Chapter 1 The Rise in Dominance

"How do you like me now, how do you like me now punk?" asked the school bully Ryan, while kicking me. "How did I get into this situation?" I thought to myself as he bloodied me up. "Hey, he must be broken, he's not responding." Henry laughed. "Should we throw him into the dumpster outside?" asked Jared. I could feel the intense heat of the stare they were giving me as they laughed aloud. I was used to getting bullied by them daily because they've been doing the same thing since I started going to this school, but they hadn't quite done me this badly. 

"So should we throw him in the dumpster, Ryan?" the two asked. "Sounds good to me, let's do it," he responded motioning for them to follow. They picked me up by my arms and legs, and followed him down the stairs and through the hallway to the double doors. "Enjoy your new home," Ryan laughed, giving the okay to do it. They were about to throw me in when she came. "Put him down, what you are doing here is wrong in every way and you know it," Emma yelled. "E-E-Emma," Henry stuttered, dropping me 6 ft on the ground on my back. The hot pavement scorched my upper back and I swear I heard a bone crack. "Don't worry about this good for nothing piece of trash, a pretty girl like you should be with me at night," Ryan calmly stated. "That actually sounds good," she responded, grabbing his hand. "Let's go," he said, beginning to walk. 

She snatched him by the hand, twisted his arm, and slammed him on the ground, dislocating his arm in the process. She then proceeded to do the same thing to the other two. "Why would you do this, we could have had so much fun together," Henry pleaded. "Because what you are doing is wrong, and also I don't like it when people mess with my boyfriend," Emma replied. "Boyfriend?" they all cried out in agony. "Next time you touch him, you will not live to have another conversation, do I make myself clear?" she asked. "Y-Y-Yes mam," they stuttered. "Wait right there, I am going to radio in for assistance," she said, kneeling down. "I ain't going nowhere anytime soon Emmalyn," I responded in agony. 

"This is student council president Emma Kakaradi, I need medical assistance, the principal, and the superintendent to the Eastern side of the school by the dumpsters, I repeat Eastern side of the school by the dumpsters, over," she finished. In around 5 minutes (which seemed like two hours to me) the assistance arrived like expected. Mr. Howard the principal looked at Ryan, then to Henry, then to Jared, and lastly me. "What exactly happened here student council president, would you like to explain, because it looks like you got into an argument with a group of students, am I correct?" he asked, penetrating my soul with his stare. "No, you are nowhere close to being correct. I am getting tired of them bullying Jaden, this time they went too far overboard, and caused these injuries to him. I want them to be permanently removed from the school effective immediately," she replied back. "You know that I can not do that president, you have no proof that they caused this." he stated. "Oh really, I knew that you would say that again, this time I prevented them from deleting the camera footage." she said. "Then show it to me, I need to punish whoever caused this," he rushed. She pulled up the camera footage on her phone and showed him. He looked at me and then back at the phone. "Now I want them removed permanently effective immediately, and where are the paramedics at?" she asked. "They will arrive shortly, for now we have to check how serious the wounds are," he said. "You called for me?" asked Mr. Engrim, he paused," what happened here, it looks like a hell house." he stated. "En, this is not the time to be joking around, he is on the verge of life and death right now. He has many life threatening wounds, I called the paramedics, but they are taking their time getting here," Mr. Howard said. "Call the school nurse up here then, she might not be able to help much, but she can give us an almost perfectly accurate amount of time he has left." Engrim replied, radioing her. "I'll be right out there," she declared. 

As time went by, I became sleepier and sleepier. I finally shut my eyes, and when I woke up, I was in a hospital room. I mean I was happy that I was there, and that I didn't die and all, but oh lord that room stank. "Jaden, you're awake!!!!!" Emma shrieked, jumping on top of me. "Get off of me, I can't feel my arms," I pleaded. "I just wanted to show you how happy I was to see you," she replied in the most sincere voice. "What is going on in h...oh, mam, your son is awake now," called out the nurse. My mom came rushing in faster than the roadrunner on tv, and quickly grabbed my hand. "I was so worried about you handsome, I was so worried that I was putting up a fight when the nurse asked me to step out," she sighed. Don't believe her, she couldn't even hurt a fly if she wanted to, much less put up a fight against a person. "Mom, all that is great in all, but can you tell Emma to get off of my chest?" I begged. "Emmalyn, you need to get off of your big brother now, you know that he is in pain." she said. "I know that he is in pain, don't forget that I am the one who reported it. I am going to stay right where I am at," she replied stubbornly. "Emmalyn, you need to get off of him now, or I will take your phone for a week," she ordered. "I don't care, do it, I have more phones than you can even count. It would take you ten months to count the amount that I have," she grinned. My mother stared at my little sister with the eyes. Now anyone who knows what the stare is that mothers give you, knows that they are in trouble whenever they receive them.

"Mother," I said in an agitated voice,"don't get so worked up over this," I warned, giving her my glowing red eyes. She backed up a good bit from me and relaxed. I was not born a normal kid, I was the son of Lucifer himself. The bullies make fun of me because of my horns, which they call a prop, if I were to show them my eyes,  they would run and not come back. When I was little my birth parents abandoned me, or I should say that my mother abandoned me. I spent 8 years of my life in an orphanage in Rockaridge, until a caring family came and took care of me, it was then that I saw my sister again. "Sissy, is that you?" the younger me asked her. "Who are you?" she asked, confused. "I'm Jaden, son of Lucifer," I replied. "I don't know you." she consisted. I put my hand against her forehead, and gave her the memories that she didn't have at the time. When I lifted my hand off of her forehead, tears started to run down her face. She quickly hugged me like I was a cat trying to avoid taking a bath, I mean I understand why she did it, it had been 8 long years. You see, how it works with us two is, if one of us is separated from each other, every night we feel a sharp pain down our spines. 

"You know that I don't like it when you do that, it makes you look like you are a demon or something," she shivered. She also doesn't know who Emma and I truly are. "Why are you just sitting there zoning out? Are you okay big brother?" Emma asked. "I'm fine, I was just thinking to myself," I replied resting my head on the brick-like pillow. "That does not look comfortable to me," she stated. "It is now," I said, transforming it into a fluffy pillow. "Still at it with your magic tricks I see," Mr. Howard said, walking into the room. "Stop teasing him Tumper," my sister scolded. "Fine, how are you feeling Jaden?" he asked. "I'm feeling better, I still feel sore, and it feels like my ribs are broken," I replied. "There is no way that you would possibly know that, I'm sure you will be fine," he laughed. "Oh I know that I will be fine, I jumped off a 125 mile high mountain and survived," I said. "Don't joke like that Jaden," my mom warned. "I'm not joking, I can show you right now," I reassured her. "No, I'm fine," she insisted. 

The next day that I was at school, the bullies huddled around me. "Don't even think about laying a finger on him, if I see you touch him, you will have several injuries. Nobody touches my boyfriend and gets away with it," she said, almost revealing her eyes when I interrupted. "Calm down Emma, there is nothing to worry about, I can handle them if they start a situation," I said, covering her eyes for ten seconds and then sitting back down. The bell rang and the teacher walked in. "Alright class, I need everyone to choose a seat to sit in, whatever seat you choose to sit in will be your seat for the rest of the school year," he said, sitting down at his desk. Everyone sat down next to their friends and started talking to each other. "Keep the noise level down class, hey I said keep the voice level down before I throw a book at your heads," the teacher yelled. As if that wasn't enough, the only one left standing was Emma. And out of all of the places that she could have sat in, she chose to sit in my lap. "Emma, what are you doing? We aren't at home." I muttered. The rest of the class was staring at us now. "Did he say that they live together, that can't be right." someone said. "Why did she choose him over me?" Ryan asked, blushing. "Emma, you need to sit somewhere else, I don't think that the teacher will accept this," I pleaded. My legs were stiff now, and everyone was glaring at me. "Mr. David, can I sit with my boyfriend?" she asked. He turned around, took a quick glance at her, and then me and shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, I don't see a problem with it, if he is your boyfriend, I could care less about how you sit on him, give me a moment to write that down as your seat for the year," he replied before looking back down at his phone. 

How did he not see anything wrong with the way that she is sitting on me, and then he has the audacity to say he doesn't care how she sits on me. I mean I wouldn't have a problem with it, if she didn't look so damn hot. "I know what you are thinking," she teased, leaning in to bite my ear. "Why are you doing this Emma?" I asked with sweat running down my cheek. "Because I want a baby," she replied. "Seriously," I yelled, jumping straight out of my seat. "Did she really just say that?" a kid in the back asked. "Class settle down, and you two, get back in your seat," he said. "If you do not pay attention to the teacher, I will expel you from the school system," she ordered. "As if," a kid laughed. "Oh really, security, this is Emmalyn Kakaradi, we have a code green," she said into an earpiece. Not even a minute later they arrived and removed the student from the campus. After that, everyone sat down and got quiet. "Shall I remind you all that this is Student Council President Emmalyn," the teacher stated. "Hey teach, you are technically supposed to be teaching class right now, but I only feel like bothering my boyfriend, so you all have a week off from doing school work, you may play on the computers, zekras, or metaz," she replied, sitting back down. At that time Mr. Howard walked through the double doors leading into the classroom. "What is going on here, and SCP get off of him," he said. "No, I refuse to get off of my boyfriend," she insisted. "Come to my office, you are being suspended for 10 days." he barked. 

"I hate to tell you this, but you're fired Mr. Howard," she stated. "You can't fire me." he laughed. "Oh, I already have, I talked to Mr. Engrim because you are not doing your job. Jaden is the new school principal, if you have any concerns or complaints you need to take them up with him," she grinned. "Me? The new school principal?" I asked in confusion. "Yep, Mr. Engrim agreed to it." she responded. Knowing her it probably went like this. "What can I help you with Emmalyn?" asked Mr. Engrim. "Can you hire Jaden as the new school principal?" she asked. "I can't do that," he replied. "Now are you going to hire hom?" she asked, putting a knife to his throat. "On second thought…, I'll hire him," he responded, half frightened, and half ready to quit his job.

"Okay, this is news to me, why wasn't I notified of this change?" asked Mr. Howard, pulling out his zekra. "No need to do that, your nameplate has been replaced with Jaden's at your office," she said, projecting the camera footage on the board. And sure enough, there on his neck, there was a deep cut. "Mr. Howard, you are fired, and Jaden, you are the new principal," he gulped. Shit, what has she done this time? She actually threatened the superintendent of the school and got her request fulfilled in the process. "Security, send Mr. Howard to the 3rd dungeon. Make sure to feed him well, and give him plenty of water. Install a vending machine in the vundraque, and provide him with 2 chizas a day. If I get a report saying that he has been injured, I will kill all of you guards, and find more," she declared. "Understood SCP," they replied. "Now, everyone assemble at the awning outside of the school," she said. 

There was a long and dense line outside the school waiting for her next orders. Some people were shivering because of the temperature outside, and some were shivering because of their fear for the President. "Everyone cease your talking," she waved. She looked over at me with a glance. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Give them a speech dummy," she replied, pushing me in front of the podium. "But I don't know what to say," I whispered to her. "Of course you know what to say," she replied. "I do?" I questioned. "Of course you do jay-jay," she insisted. "I guess you must be right, I wouldn't have come here if I didn't have something to say. And I have asked you several times to quit calling me by my childhood name!" I persisted. "Go ahead and start your grand speech big brother." 

"As many of you have already figured out, I am Jaden Kakaradi, and I will be your new principal here at Rockaridge High school. I must admit, I am honestly in shock right now, I did not expect this to happen today, but it did. This is a first thing basis for me. I look forward to getting to know all of you. Let's have a good rest of the school year, and enjoy yourselves. Now, I know that many of you might have questions for me, so if you would not hesitate to ask them, I will humbly answer to the best of my ability," I concluded as I waited for any questions. "What do you plan on changing about this school's rules, routines, traditions, policies, etc?" a teacher asked. "Well you see, I really don't want to change anything that the school has been built and influenced on, but I see the fact that many people are getting bullied over the smallest things, for example, I ran into a fellow student that was being bullied over her accidentally bumping into the person. I do not like that behavior, neither will I tolerate it. I will most definitely get rid of the stupid ranking system that we have here. Treating others like they are garbage just because of the fact that they have lower grades then one, have rough issues at home to deal with daily, have a trauma because of something from their past, or just something as simple as the clothing they wear. This type of behavior is childish, arrogant, selfish, and uncalled for, and I will not allow it to continue to go on like this. I wish to make this school a place to learn, make new friends, have a meal, or small things like that. So for starters, the rules will be changed, I will issue everyone in the school a new student handbook once I am finished with changing the rules. Everyone will be expected to follow these rules, no exceptions will be given, these are some, but not all of the examples of balance. All students, tall or short, skinny or chubby, male or female, must abide by the same rules as everyone else. Of course, teachers and staff of the school have to abide by these rules as well. Sexual assault is not acceptable, if a student tells you no, then you should respect their wishes, no exceptions. Forcing someone to have sex with you, is a crime in all categories. I will not hesitate to send whoever is caught in the act of doing this or violating the rules for any reason, to the dungeon for at the minimum of 3 years without seeing the surface. This has already been approved with all law enforcement, and the superintendent as well. I am a nice person, and easy to get along with, but I will not stand by and watch as my comrades bully each other over stupid ass stuff that can easily be resolved by an apology. Also, be sure to remember the fact that the SCP Emma, the Superintendent Mr. Engrim, I, Jaden Kakaradi, and anyone who I appoint as supervisor/monitor of classes and activities, have a higher authority than you, that includes the teachers and staff. Please treat them with respect and kindness. Of course, do not worship them as if they were a god, we are people along with you all. Anyone of the following people that I just mentioned can ask/tell you to do something, please follow the instructions that are given by them, because 9/10 times that you will see or speak with them, I gave them the instructions to do so. Remember this though, and always keep this in mind, though they might be your superiors, they have me to answer to. I will never ask them or give them permission to do any of the following; start fights, bully others, or do shameful things to others, like sexual desires etc. Though 99% of your supervisors will obey and listen to my instructions and are kind and friendly to other students, some might use their position as your supervisor to control you. If this happens to you or someone that you know, find either me or the Student Council President, and report it immediately, I can not stop or prevent something from happening if I do not know that something is wrong. Does anyone else have a question for me?" I finished. "I think that you have answered all of the questions that any of us could possibly have in less than five minutes, everyone lets give our new principal a big round of applause," a student said, causing everyone to start clapping.

After I had finished the big speech, I went to my new office to make it feel more like a place where you can chat freely instead of feeling caged. That was the first time that I had ever had a speech like that in front of a crowd as large as the one today. If I am being totally honest with myself though, I have to admit, I was half expecting that they would reject me and start a riot instead. It looks like I spoke what the students wanted to hear just then. "Jay-jay, can I come in?" Emma asked after knocking. "Yes, you may enter whenever you feel like it, you do not have to knock," I replied, spinning my chair around to face her. "I was very impressed with your speech out there Jay-jay, I was a little jealous that you thought of all of them words on the dime. You have certainly gained the students' trust, and all in five minute at that." she said, sitting in my lap facing in my direction. 

10 minutes later

She was just 5 seconds from no longer being a virgin when I heard the door open. "Thank god I am saved from doing this" I thought, but then I suddenly dreaded what was to come next. There at the door stood the girl that everyone in the school crushed on, Charlotte Calamine. She always told me that I am the only one she likes, and no one else could ever have the pleasure of marrying her except for me. Now, back to the matter at hand, Emma was on top of me, and we were both bare naked. 

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise, it looks as if we have a visitor," Emma calmly stated. How could she be this calm right now? A girl just walked in on both of us naked, together, and she called it a pleasant surprise. "Ja-ja-Jaden!!! Why are you with the Student Council President, and on top of that, naked?" she panicked in shock. "I-i-i can explain Charlotte, you see," she stopped me. "You are nothing but a big pervert Jaden, just a big pervert. Jeez, why are all men just big perverts."she slammed the store and stomped off. "Wow, thanks a lot sis, now she has a bad impression of me, and now she might go and run her mouth to her friends about seeing this!!! Go put some clothes on, and meet me in the old classroom downstairs, I have something that I want to show you." I sighed. As I opened the door, she was still standing there. It's like she was waiting for the right time to ambush me, that is just my imagination though. 

"Follow me, I have something that I want to show you,"what was that?" she asked. "It's something that only the SCP and I can see, I forbid any students from entering. Remember, don't violate any rules if you don't want dungeon time." I scolded her. "But I wanna come too...Pretty please, can I come Jaden, please?" she begged. "No way, what did I tell you? Only her and I can see it, if you try to follow me, I will have to have them prosecute you Charlotte, that is how important this is." I stated, beginning to walk, when she grabbed my arm, and we locked on. "Get your filthy hands off of my jay-jay," Emma said, in a demon voice. "What was that? Did you hear the way that its voice was? We should go check it out," she finished. "No, sorry for this Charlotte, but I tried to stop this from happening to you," I said, injecting her with a drug that without the antidote, that I have, she would not wake up from. "Jay-jay. Wait! Did you just use the drug on her? You know that will kill her without the antidote to it. We must get her to the lab immediately!"she rushed. 

"Emma, calm down, she will be safer if we leave her in the secret compartment in my office. I only had to do that because you were about to activate the dormant powers that I sealed away when we were little." I explained. "What dormant powers? She is a normal human being just like the other students, stop screwing with me right now." she denied the fact that I was right. "Listen, before we met back up, I met a little girl in an alley-way, her name was Charlotte. She is my so-called destined to be with, mate, sent by father himself. When I met her, she was brutally injured. Some jerks ambushed her, but anyways, I had two choices to make. The first option was to leave her alone and risk her going into rage mode, which would in turn destroy half of the earth, or I could seal her powers away until I had the time to teach her how to use them." I finished. "That stupid, stupid, Lucifer, he always acts like he knows everything about us, but in reality he doesn't know anything that he think he does." she grumbled. "You can come out of hiding in the corner over there now father," I said. "Impressive, impressive. You saw right through my camouflage son." "Wait, how long have you been there papa?" Emma asked. "You can't fool me my little girl, I heard you calling me stupid. I don't believe that I have done anything that would make you call me stupid." he shrugged. "What do you want, father? I am not in the mood for another of your sickening schemes today. I have my schedule full this week, I am the new principal of the school, and on top of that, now I have to attend these long as hell meetings every two days." I complained. 

"Well son, every job comes with its fair share of responsibilities. If I am being totally honest with you right now, I would like to say that you have made me proud son." "I have been wondering, Lucifer, if there are three devils currently on the earth, then where are the three angels?" Emma asked with caution. "Well, that is one of the reasons that I came here today to talk to you. As you very well know, Michael just isn't going to leave us any room for errors in the upcoming conference meeting. Him and his stupid allies are always trying to start stuff with us demons of the underworld." he grew silent and sat down. "Who are you, and why are you in Jaden's office?" Charlotte asked. ", you don't remember me Charlotte, or should I say, code 99?" he glared. "Code 99, what is that?" Charlotte paused, "Wait, is that you Boss?" "Good, I knew that you knew who I was, please don't play dumb with me anymore." he urged. "I wasn't trying to play dumb Sir Lucifer," she responded.