As I awoke the next morning the castle shook, a bombardment of stone and iron slamming into its walls, slowly trying to chip away at our defences. I quickly prepared myself to see the damages, inspecting the outside of the castle. Archers lined our walls firing a few volleys of arrows toward the catapults and trebuchets, so much arrows were fired with such high velocity you could hear the feathers whistling through the air. I began to think to myself, "Why don't they just use magic on our castle, more specifically that blue lightning spell?" Before realizing the true reason, I quickly rushed back inside and burst into the planning room. A group of the lords from around our lands and my father were stood around the table planning our defences.
"We should surrender! Maybe they will show us mercy!" A group of them shouted, the air was filled with tension everyone wanted to live but some would forsake themselves to do so. Another group began to shout back, "We should sally forth! Take em' by surprise!".
My father stood there, his head in his hands, he looked broken slightly, afraid of the most likely outcome. I slowly moved towards the group joining them beside the Captain who had the same face as them all, a face filled with fear. Quietly I scanned over the map, looking at what they had came up with so far, a few pieces had been cast aside, most likely the amount we lost in the initial attack, around the castle were red pieces to signify our enemies. Totally outnumbered to the point that they started using ripped pieces of paper to signify an enemy. Our blue pieces were scattered around inside the castle on the map.
"So... what's the plan so far?" I quietly remarked the whole room turning to me.
"What's he doing in here!?" Shouted one of the lords. "Who even is he?" another said.
I let them discuss between themselves about who I was for a couple seconds, I felt disrespected so I wanted to embarrass them slightly afterwards, that was till the captain spoke up above them exclaiming, "He is Stavn Forsberg, bastard of Lord Jakob Forsberg." A small smile broke out on my face, as I chuckled slightly as he said it.
"Thank you, Altis." I turned back to the map, "So what's the plan?"
"Some of us want to surrender and other wish to fight." My father spoke up, his eyes fixated on me, "We're trying to find a compromise between the both."
"Well, if we surrender is there a way that we can guarantee that nobody will die?" I began to scratch the bottom of my chin after I said that, from what I could tell the lower the amount of survivors the more chance at a surprise attack on our capital.
"Actually... I do believe we can't surrender, as you can see from our castle the road towards the capital is practically unwatched bar a few villages and towns." I added on pointing at the road on the map.
"That is true, meaning we'd leave a path open for an attack on our capital. We can't even relay a message for help or warning, the cage with all the crows was struck by rocks this morning and all the crows are gone." Lord Forsberg added, he took up the same position I had, beginning to scratch his chin.
Continuing to gaze at the map, "How much tools do we have in these walls still?" turning to Altis, who began to think to himself for a minute. "A couple pickaxes, ceremonial swords, all the weapons in the armoury... then theres the shovels and other tools that we keep for the servants that work in the gardens and axes for the ones that collect wood."
"Right... get out the pickaxes and shovels, I have an idea. Although, we're going to need to make something to keep their attention away from it." I lay my hands on the table and began to wait for a reply from any of them before continuing.
"We're going to give up the castle, but we're not surrendering, we're going to fight our way out of the back of the castle and then we're going to get everyone out and send word to the capital. We'll use the pickaxes and shovels to dig under and chip away at the walls. Alright?" I said hastily, nearly out of breath by then end.
"How's that going to work? That's idiotic!" A few of them began shouting again, before my father stood firm.
"Alright Stavn, we'll do it your way." For a brief moment I felt closer to him than I ever had in my life, a small sense of pride overcame me. We all began to leave the room, Altis quickly went to order a couple of the serving staff to get to making a hole in the wall on the back of the castle. I sat down in the kitchen, with a mug of water, slowly sipping at it. Using this as a time to relax and to get something to eat since I hadn't eaten anything yet. After sitting there for a few minutes I was joined by Lillia and then by Altis. Altis poured himself a pitcher of ale and began to gulp it down.
"So... you think it's going to work Stavn?" Altis mentioned a droplet of Ale tumbling down his thick beard.
"No idea. At least it's something." I replied, standing up and getting another cup of water for myself.
"Can you get me one as well please?" Lillia asked, she looked nervous, her hands kept between her legs tightly, her lips becoming a wave on her face. I poured another cup out for her and placed it on the table. She began to sip at it before turning to me and Altis, "So what's happening? My father looked disturbed when he came into the room earlier." I began to explain the idea of getting everyone out alive without surrendering, and how it was only just a hope of happening.
Altis left the two of us and went off to patrol the castle, leaving us to speak to each other for a couple hours.
"So, who even is your father?" I asked her politely, since he seemed to have problems with my plan.
"He's the Lord Gaalo Kjolin. He owns some land just on the border of Forsberg territory... well... we own some land." she replied calmly, as if she had that written down somewhere. Nodding slowly I tapped on the table with my fingertips.
"So... your father wants you to get to know me in order for connections right? Just like mine." I quickly glanced at her before turning back to my hands now resting on the table.
"Yes, not that I really want to." She replied, I laughed slightly at her reply, her joining me.
"Isn't it wonderful being a political bargaining tool." I said jokingly, the both of us beginning to bond over our wonderful families. It went on and on before we both decided to retire to our rooms that night. The next day came and went, me and Lillia began growing closer, I began to enjoy her company. At heart she was closer to being a sister, someone I could speak to happy for once and as our bond grew, the tunnel connecting us to the outside world began to as well. Four nights passed, the tunnel nearing the edge of the castle wall, and I was walking past a small balcony that faced to where the town used to be. As I walked by, I heard the fluttering of wings, and noticed a small glowing light, and as I peered through the slight gap in the door I saw it.
A crow had arrived and sent away with a letter from what I could tell, opening the door slowly I approached the person who was stood there hooded.
"What are you doing?" I remarked.