A vampire’s tale part 2 A worlds war

Chapter 1

Merry meet merry part and merry meet again

Anderson's pov

200 years ago

Amelia was lost she was dead as was my sister. I and my wife Diana had tried so long for a child and we had been blessed with our beautiful Amelia. We had left Europe due to the witch trials there but to keep Amelia safe we sent her ahead to my sister Leanna. We just arrived on the boat a month ago and traveled to get to my sister only to find her house and all that remained of her and it in ashes. Amelia had been sent here a month ago we knew not if she had survived or where she would have gone if she had.

Diana fainted at the sight of the ached wood house. After finding no trace of our daughter and learning that my sister had been burned we race out of town. The loss caused Diana to grow weaker we barely survived the trip and now we had lost our most precious girl. I refused to give up hope I did make inquires at a pub one night and no mention of a child ever being burned was said it would still be new in this time.

Diana tried to hold out hope and I refused to give up searching we knew Amelia wouldn't have stayed here knowing her aunt's fate. But as to where she would have gone we knew nothing. Covens had yet to truly form here in the Americas it was only just forming the Americas that is. I prayed and lit candles for our lost daughter and prayed she was still with us. After years and years of searching Diana could no longer take the loss as we also during the search had miscarried another child.

Diana begged me to not give up the search and that for now, she must rest but once Amelia was found she knew she could join me again. She had lost so much before this Amelia was our miracle child. Any child would have been it was common for us vampires to miscarry loose infants in early years. Amelia was our miracle one that Diana found she couldn't find the will to live without. I believe in some way she had blamed herself for though we had both agreed. She had suggested sending Amelia ahead of us when we heard the witch trials were coming close to us. We wanted to keep her safe and out of harm's way luckily I had put a spell to humanize her she would feel no vampire urges until she reached full maturity.

This spell also made it hard nay impossible in our future to track her in any spells without amelia using any magic as she became an in-between being. Neither human nor vampire, amelia had vampire strength and abilities but no thirst nor need for blood to live. Making her safer and easier for her to survive the human world without being tempted to feed we placed a spell on her. Children were much more controlled by our nature and cant adapt well in this world it is why many live in rural areas when they choose to have children or like we did go to a witch or in our case me as I could perform the magi and am part witch myself. Like any child Amelia is inquisitive I just hope she can keep herself out of trouble while traveling alone till she reached my sister before that was my hope at least. Now I pray just to know if she made it here or if she was delayed or if she got caught up truly in the trial and …..

Diana's pov

No I won't let myself think it the more I did I felt the child I was soon to deliver would be caused harm I must stay strong for my children I must. They are what truly matters in this world my love for my husband for Anderson was endless and I have never loved a man as I did him we met when we were so young. We both took our time through one to grow up and then we took years courting we thought the time was on our side especially given we were both vampires. Though when I had turned sixteen we spent years apart we wrote but it wasn't the same. I went to my training with my grandmother she was only a fully-fledged witch, not a vampire herself and a very powerful one.

It is said the more powerful the witch the longer they live well my grandmother professed when I was merely sixteen to be nearly two hundred then. I scoffed and never truly believed her I thought even her magic was her being crazy for as old as she was all the magic in her went to keeping her alive till she passed on the family grimoire. How young and foolish I was then and how I took her wisdom for granted.

As time passed though I had the love of my husband my health deteriorated and I slowly lost the will to feed. "My love I do not wish to go till I know of Amelia but I know I am too weak to continue." I said to Anderson "I want you to promise me that till you know for sure if she is alive or dead with a certainty that you will leave me at rest this world is too much to bear though my love for you is immeasurable losing our children has grated my resolve and will to carry on this war I am weary and wish only to sleep dreamlessly forgive me, my love?" Anderson looked at me tears in his eyes he knew I wouldn't die simply to sleep but the loss to him was great too.

I felt as though I gave him a reason as much as he objected. though I would not die I could not will myself to live day to day unable to raise or see my children in this world. "Diana darling for you I would give the moon stars and sun from the sky you know this and though I know it is unbearable for me to contemplate losing you I will know I haven't truly lost you if all you wish is to go to slumber till she is found. I shall pray to Demeter for she will know our plight. She too once had a child stolen from her she was lucky too though she had to share for all eternity her child she still received back." I created an Alter and offering to the goddess. My love before you slumber come make an offering and a prayer to Demeter for our own daughter's safe return and while you slumber it shall be my winter.

For my world without you has neither summer nor spring. I shall search till the last once of air leaves my breath and my breathe flies from my body as the gods and goddess will. I shall use all that I have to keep you safe while you slumber and I shall one day find our beloved child and as soon as I am able I shall revive you to life so that you may have our child in your arms once more." Anderson said to me. Preparations were made and the spell cast upon me, by my own hand to sleep as I lay down in the coffin I knew that Anderson would keep me safe and ad the world turned and the day became night and night day once again I knew he too would find our beloved child.

I could hear the world turn in my sleep but it didn't stir me the sound of Amelia's voice is what my heart and soul longed for and though I could always hear my love Andersons from time to time talking to me of the time that had past of what step had been taken the hope and faith that she was alive and would one day be found slowly dwindled. I had little to cling to but the darkness and the memories of their lovely faces. That was until strange noise started to be heard from the outside world sounds I knew not what from sometimes it came with voices and melodies so sweet I assumed it was just me slowly losing my mind.

Perhaps it's why that fateful night after not hearing Anderson's voice for a few years now he came back to me. I heard this "Amelia is alive our Melia was said to be alive I received a call from her she is no child anymore but I wish to look upon her to know for sure my love oh how joyous I have become that I even the possibility of it being her with that beauteous voice over the telephone is enough that I must go I she makes arrangement immediately. She is across the country and as you are asleep I cannot have you travel through the daylight I will have to find other means for you to join me and I apologize for my love that it won't be right away but it will give me time. Time to know if she truly is alive I have followed all other leads I apologize my love if it is not here for if it is not I know I shall never wake you but rather I shall join you in your slumber.

I know a tear rolled from my eyes but I couldn't comfort him I was useless I had wished for a century now to come back to him but because of this promise, he wouldn't consider it. Because I made him promise to not wake me till our child was found we lost all this time and I felt I had robbed my husband I had been unfair to him. I know now I was selfish but losing our second child and then our Amelia becoming lost to us it was too much for me to bear then. I had needed time, time heals all I know that now but so has my husband's voice the tenderness and love he has shown me while I have given and afforded him not. My selfishness may have brought about his end and I shall never wake nor be able to stop it. OH, my foolish soul!