Chapter 34

Samsons pov

I still felt I was neglecting Emily too much. So, I invited her to weigh in on the ideas for recruitment and even asked her for help in forming the messages to be sent. I found she was an excellent writer so much so that she ended up taking over the writing of the letters. She went out of her way even to address and personalize each letter for each person or group leader she was writing to. I was amazed at the work and I found it adorably cute that she was shy to take on the job. Even once she finished with each letter asked me to proofread them before she drew up a finalized copy for me to sign. Her own commitment to helping was phenomenal and I praised her for them when I did read each over. Most had a common paragraph going like this:


Our worlds are about to change if we do not do something. For many centuries now we have all lived at least semi-harmoniously with the humans and amongst ourselves but all that will soon change. Especially if James Moore brother to Samson fallor was to become king of vampires. His wish isn't to stop there but to become an overlord to all magical creatures and enslave the humans. We are better than this if we were to do as my brother wished it would only prove humans right about us all that we are the animals that we are the monsters that we are what they should destroy. And it would return to the time when we not only had to hide under rocks but also fear every step we took could be our last for we all would be hunted whether for humans to use us or kill us all and drive all of the magical community to become nothing once more.

As we all know some can hide in other worlds but for those of us that cannot and or enjoy this one, we would never have the freedoms we do now. I beg and implore you do not to give in to my brother but fight against this join me either in just denying my brother making him unable to gather the force he needs or even joining me in stopping any force he will gather for I know there are some who shall find his offer appealing but again I beg you not to take it even if you will not take mine with the offer of friendship and peace for this world.

Sincerely and yours truly

The one true vampire king


We made hundreds of these letters and once we did turn to both Emily and Anderson who then took the grimoire and cast a spell upon the letters all at once and delivered them as well within a second to their intended person. Still, as I knew what would happen, I stood in awe and amazement for Emily had mastered so many spells recently and so easily. The letters all fizzled and puffed up then each one was gone some disappearing altogether some going in smoke some looking to fly away quickly within a blink of an eye on the wind some burrowed themselves without a trace into the ground all were soon gone to their intended recipients.

Now we could only hope and wait for a good reply. I prayed to the goddess we see each letter received gracefully and a positive reply for us given swiftly.

Emily's pov

I was grateful for my father's help with the letters and once they were done, I decided to make an offering to the gods and goddess for a good reply. I prayed war wasn't going to come but as I made my offering a vision came. I had never received a vision before but all of a sudden the room twisted and blurred until I saw another location I knew it was in our nearby forest between here and the werewolves territory our friends Gerold's to be exact there was a clearing within a deeply wooded area and there I saw James gathering forces with bribes and promises and they had even taken a few humans as hostages.

The humans looked sacred and weak they had been shoved into cages like animals and upon being brought out from the cages were made to suffer humiliations galore. On top of the humiliation f being stripped to wear nothing in front of all they were beaten till they almost couldn't stand under their own weight and also given work like servants and barely fed but once a day a piece of molded bread and water. I was horrified and saddened and angry at all that I saw when I questioned who was responsible immediately James face showed maliciously and callously laughing at the torture he was inflicting.

The human begged him and his followers for mercy some fought back trying to escape but were brought to their knees at a barrier that griseld had made. Deciding she wanted to force their submission further as many fought even in doing what work. They had been given she made collars appear on their necks nearly choking them. Then once told to do something weather, they wished to or not if they fought, they were hurt. At least they appeared to be in pain, for some stood motionless but with fear and hurt shown on their faces. Others fell to the floor writhing in pain they were trying to do as they were told to. It looked as if you obeyed however you weren't hurt but if you didn't or fought to do exactly what was wanted of you pain so immeasurable pain racked the entire body.

I wished I could stop this I wish I could not see what I just had. I burst into sobs those poor people. I as I the vision continued saw a face, I never thought I would again. My co-worker and friend Mike. Oh lord and lady no, please no not my friends. With the last look of his fear and tortured face I screamed in anguish and the vision gone. I collapsed on the floor and immediately samson ran to my side my father looked at me stunned.

"Emily are you alright, do you need a doctor?" said samson I burst in to a hysterical cry trying to tell them all that I saw my father got the understanding quickly of what had just happened and said aloud "Emily's powers are growing she now can glimpse or well scry if you will with out need of a bowl it's a rare ability one not even my wife had but her mother, Amelia your grandmother was a seer. She had visions often some she could call forth others that came unbidden. These visions have the ability to show you past future and present." Said my father Hiccupping I looked at my father wide-eyed "so what I just saw it could be happening right now, but it could also be something that will happen?" My father nodded to me "how. how will I know if it is now or in the future?" my father pondered this a moment as if not sure even himself.

"Can you tell us in detail what you saw describe the place what things looked like the time of day set the scene for us and with as much detail as you possibly can." I did so try to push back my emotions as I described everything I had seen as I told both my father and samson Samson rubbed my back soothing me. The contact not only soothed me but made me feel more grounded as I gave detail, I became detached from what I saw but it helped me notice more detail and describe it our loud. Unfortunately, with all that I could describe there were to many places in too many forests both near and far they looked much like the scene I set. Samson tried to comfort me knowing that I had done all I could in my past to protect my small group of what I call friends especially my human ones.