Chapter 19

In the square a wind blew, refreshing the spirit of the wayfarers, carrying with it in the sweet smell of incense coming from the church, but Mahel did not smell the sweet smell of incense and not even the pleasant breeze, she had only felt for years now, dozens of years, maybe since he had received that kiss and that eye, voices talking in his head, sour voices, sweet, angry voices, voices that wouldn't stop talking, evil and good voices, familiar and unfamiliar voices, those voices couldn't stop talking , it was the only thing they could do, that's why he didn't sleep, at least he hadn't slept well for practically always his dark circles were now black as coal, and when he was able to sleep the nightmares, the memories of what he had done, of what atrocities he had committed they attacked him, with the voices of those he had killed, of those he had eaten and trained, of those he once loved, but in the last period a little light had saved him from abi he had embraced by now, that voice that by now had broken the monotony of his life, a small girl, an Elf from the north, who believed himself to be human, with long hair and a gentle smile, naive as few, the few who could think of she, the voices disappeared even for an instant, she felt happiness, but although ... that light was beautiful, she could not illuminate even a small part of the spirit of that unfortunate soul.

As he smoked, Mahel remembered the Raven's training, hunger, scars, physical and mental, his trainer for a time was a half-elf, obese and glovial, stern as the Raven dictated, but then the raven's head himself. he became interested in Mahel, his powers, his endurance and perhaps out of pure sadism or to make him a killer machine he began to train him, well he succeeded in both his intentions, his life in that period, he had managed to find a moment of stability fell together with everything into the abyss, torture, that man did nothing but whip him, stab him, cut him, but then after years of these tortures, he passed into illusions, his parents came back to life only to blame him for his death, they were not entirely wrong, her fears took shape, then when she was at least ten, her mind broke for the first time, it was the beginning of her madness, Mahel felt no more fear or remorse, she killed her first man at seven, but made his p rhyme carnage at ten, fifty kids his age, half of the recruits, killed with bare hands, with broken necks, hearts torn from the chest, broken bones, heads cut off or slaughtered with bare hands, killed the few friends he had made, but he didn't care anymore, his hands were dripping with blood, but he didn't care, only in the corner of his mind he cared, and from which moment his mind broke more and more.

He fulfilled his first mission at thirteen, he just had to clean the road from bandits and other dangers, while the royal carriage passed there direct to the summer castle, there he killed twenty-two men, not counting the wounded, then a few months later he became the captain of the "Shadow of the Crow", he accomplished many missions, he never failed, but then when he was just sixteen, instigated by rumors, he killed the leader of the Raven in combat and then the same night the King, his wives and his two sons, only the princess survived, she too sixteen, she saw him in the face as he entered covered in the blood of the royal guards in the throne room, but the brothers and the mother made her escape from a secret passage, and then attacked him, it was a fight of a few seconds, slaughtered the children, broke the queen's neck in front of the King, and then killed him, while he was crying, a King crying, Tsk a weak one , that night was the end of the Royal House, another House followed t he fallen one, but Mahel never cared so he never inquired.

From which moment the Raven was accused of the murder of the King, one orni took the place of the Raven, The Templars, founded by the Captain of the Royal Guards, Sir Linsh Kalin survived his attack, from which moment the Raven together with all its members, in particular him, became wanted of the first level, while he of the Royal level. Tsk ... what a nuisance.

Mentre era assorto nei suoi pensieri non si accorse di essere arrivato davanti alla casa di Elisabhet, la voce di Mhiriam lo distolse dal suo pensare, la sua voce era dura e secca, Mahel la guardò per qualche secondo, per poi essere trascinato dentro la casa, Mhiriam era in silenzio dietro la porta, lo stava guardando molto male, ma non disse niente, aspetto l'arrivo del gruppo per poi sedersi al tavolo e iniziare a parlare

-What ... What ... What the hell did you do! You blew up a club, I knew about the club, but you! You! you threw panic in the city, for then what! For what! I never welcomed you into the house, I knew who you were, Crows, of the cursed Crows, I thought you were more reasonable, but no, you are nothing but murderers-

-I did what had to be done, I made sure that the Commander of the Templars made a pact of non-aggessioen coto minoltre- and Mahel's gaze became almost evil- we are no longer part of the Raven, do not forget it- Mahel said indifferently - besides no one knows it was me, and the fire will erase the evidence, your daughter is safe, then Mahel started to get up, when Muninn's voice spoke in her head

-So that's the way it is, I'm very happy to have been summoned by you Mahel, for this ..- Muninn's voice trailed off to be replaced by another voice

-Prepare myself, it will be a difficult path that you will undertake, a path that will distance you from the light for a long time, and when you come out of the abyss, you may no longer want the light, you will become a demon, a being feared by all- another replaced the voice in his head

-Do it instead, don't lose us, it's time to become who you are, you are mellowed, it's time to drop this house of cards, it doesn't matter, money, friendships or love, if you can call it love. important is not to be forgotten, to remain in history-

-Don't do it, don't leave these people behind, you have a girl you like, companions who support you and friends who help you, what more do you want?

Mahel, however, was deaf to voices, he had made his decision for some time, so he looked at Mhiriam, then Elisabhet and took his luggage out the door followed closely by Mayra, Jeng, Ricliam, Isabhel and Elsionh all ready, then Elisabhet arrived who waving his hand he walked with them towards the square, following Mahel.

It had only been an hour since they had blown up the bar but, strangely, there was not a soul in the square, empty desert, only the wind blew, and while Mahel, Ricliam and Jeng smoked, Mahel and Ricliam a cigarette while Jeng long pipe, even the wind disappears, Mahel gave a half smile, and as if they had always been there covered by something, twenty men appeared, all dressed in black, with a small brooch depicting a small silver crow.