Letter Of Apology


Hello everyone !

I'm not really use to talking about my life like that. But I feel I owe you an explanation…

In August during my « summer-break », I unfortunately had an accident which laid to injuries on my back and my cervical. As you probably guess, it made me stay in bed for quite a time. So my original return to publishing in September was delayed. Only for a short period à thought but I encounter other problems and… Here we are.

Thankfully people were very supportive and I'm doing my best for a comeback on December (hopefully !).

I hope you're note to disappointing regarding my delay and that you'll be exciting to read the next chapters !

I sincerely apologise for the situation and thank all of you for you understanding.

Please take care of yourself and your love ones.

Be patient with yourself, people around you, and everything that comes your way.

Remember, we get only what we can handle, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Waiting patiently it's not doing nothing, sometimes it's harder to wait than to act.

So don't hurry yourself, everything comes at time to the one who knows how to wait.

Take care, J.K.