Before the Peace Negotiation 1 (18+)


Quickly, Brooke melted into Minos' arms, feeling every part of her body burn as she tasted the heavenly sensation of being able to kiss this young man.

A man had not touched her since she discovered her mother's affair with her ex-husband. That was not only a trauma for Brooke that had prevented her from trusting other people but also a 'seed' of doubt in her heart, which made her wonder if she was not good enough.

After all, how could someone substituted by their partner for one of their parents not question themselves?

Obviously, wicked people did their actions out of pure desire. Still, victims like Brooke would always try to understand why and what they had done wrong.

Therefore, she distanced herself from her sexuality for this entire period.

However, intentional or not, abstaining from something her body already knew and liked was not good!