Chasing Away the Specialists 

After Minos' meeting with the four Gods, he made new agreements with the specialists, guaranteeing their groups more technology in the coming years.

Aurae, Maximillian, and Vico didn't ask much more of Minos than they had already given to many of their allies. None expected the Black Plain Empire to develop much further in the next five or ten years. Emperor Stuart's progress and state were remarkable enough to make even these Gods a little doubtful about the future. But their rational sides were stronger, and they doubted that this place would continue to develop.

So it wasn't too difficult for Minos to get those three away without having to deliver much more than he was already delivering.

As for Makai, he demanded more than his level 100 counterparts, so Minos would have to make a much more detailed deal to benefit that man's tribe.