Going to the Sea of Ancestors 

After meeting Ruth, Minos' group spent a few moments together, reuniting the woman with her children, Hollie and Rowan. 

For both, only 15 years had passed. For Ruth, however, it had been over 50 years since she had last seen her children. 

Seeing them again today touched her to see they were still alive and had grown in the intervening years. Their appearance was still the same, but they showed more maturity in all their gestures and words, and they had grown spiritually.

Not just them, but all of Minos' children and Ruth's harem sisters were different, stronger, more mature and hardened by the war.

Not that she and Minos hadn't changed a lot. But they obviously thought of these people much more in terms of how they were in the past when they left the Spiritual World.

Either way, it was good to be reunited. Seeing her parents there also took a worry out of Ruth's heart, who had worried about the situation of her mother, father and sister all these years.