Back in Examire 

After another year's journey, Minos' party arrived near Examire, with the six members of the Armhands seeing the city again after decades away from this place.

As for the eight who had never been there before, they took a deep breath as they looked at the place and its floating districts, seeing their new home for decades or centuries to come.

Without further ado, they followed the path Minos had already taken several times, entering the city and going directly to the place where they could advance into the interior of the Armhands' headquarters.

Arriving at the area where there was an instant transport elevator to the floating island hundreds of meters above this place, Minos quickly identified himself as an internal member of the guild who had been out for decades.


"Minos Stuart?" The man standing at the post on the surface of Examire asked as he looked at Minos and the large group behind him. "Weren't you dead?"