Dangers and Chances of Growth

Over the next four months, Minos would experience ruin 11 from start to finish.

After beating the 11 minutes on level 1, he left the place bleeding from all parts of his body, having lost a good part of his wings that day. But fortunately, these were physical injuries that he would eventually recover from with opportunities.

After defeating the crushing chamber, he had access to three paths in ruin 11—the one that would take him to level 2, the one that would take him to his prize and an area where he could get food and water.

He took things for himself to use during his journey through ruin 11, but also for his companions. The food from the ruins had already proved especially tasty and useful in strengthening the mental and physical strength of the challengers. Nothing restricted those who completed challenges from taking these food resources to their companions, so Minos wasn't the only one to use this strategy.