2 - The Past and the Present.

Geo took a left after crossing the school field and slowly started walking towards his house. The air fogged up every time he let out a breath.

'It's been 15 years huh…'


His original name was Kayle Miller.

Back in Earth, he was a normie high school kid that was just a little better at studies. He used to watch anime and read manga like everyone else, and he usually mingled around with his two best friends, Jayce and Ron. They were a tight knit group and had been friends since kindergarten. Kayle clearly remembered that he had been walking home with them before he was reborn in Elnia. It was their last year in high school and Kayle had finally mustered up the courage to confess to his crush.

He had been rejected. Flatly.

Ron had been teasing him about it constantly while returning back home and Jayce on the other hand was trying to console him. But after that, his memory suddenly fast forwarded to the time when he was been born in Elnia.

Everything seemed blurry when he was born and he had felt extreme sadness. He felt like he had been robbed of his happy place and was never able to get it back. He had felt cold and lonely. This sadness was like a tsunami and he had immediately started crying. He couldn't think and had only cried and cried until he felt a warm hug around him. The miserable feeling slowly faded away but not completely. A soothing voice comforted him along with the warm hug until he completely calmed down. He couldn't understand the words that the voice was saying but he felt warm and safe nonetheless. Fatigue rolled over him soon after and he had fallen asleep.

Fast forward to 6 years later. That was the amount of time he took to fully remember his past after he was born. His mental strength had also been reset and it had taken him all his effort just to remember and hold onto bits of his past.

Due to this immaturity, he felt like as if a child was in control of the steering wheels while a drunk part of him stepped on the gas pedals.

Because of this, the immature Geo would unintentionally slip out some mean words to the other children in kindergarten. This made the other children hate him and they left him out of their games and conversations.

His parents had noticed this and were very worried but they realized that it wasn't much of a problem after about two years. In his parent's eyes, Geo had quickly adapted to the people around him but he had actually recovered back to his original self and was in full control of his mind and body now.


Geo stopped by the public library which was on the way towards his house. He still had a few books to return back and he also wanted to check if there was any new interesting books. The librarian was sitting at the front desk. She wore a pair of glasses and seemed to be reading a book about cooking,

"Good evening Miss Kiara."

The librarian looked over and saw Geo smiling at her. She removed her glasses and smiled back,

"You're still soooo formal Geo. I've told you to just call me 'big sis'."

Kiara was a beautiful lady that had been working at the library for the past few years. She was very youthful despite being 40 years old and did not have any scars of time*. Many young men had approached her after seeing her beauty but did not have the courage to go further after figuring out her age. Even Geo was shocked at first when she told him her age.

Today, she was wearing a plain, pale blue shirt and white baggy pants. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail and her matching blue overcoat was hanging behind her chair. Geo couldn't see it from his side, but a small heating device was placed beside her chair. It emitted a warm glow that somehow made her seem more charming.

"I'm simply not used to calling people casually."

Geo replied and added in his mind,

'Besides, aren't you like 40? I should be calling you 'aunty' instead.'

"I feel like you're thinking of something mean right now."

Kiara had a menacing smile on her face as she said this. Geo was a little surprised and scared but he didn't show it on his face.

'What the fuck? Is this what you call women's intuition?', he thought but quickly said,

"I'd never think of anything bad about big sis."

"Heh...So, what do you need today?"

"I'll just return the books that I borrowed last week and look around a bit."

Geo replied, placing three books at the desk.

"You finished reading all of them? Sigh.....Don't tell me that you just look at the pictures."

Kiara sighed.

This wasn't a rare sight but she found it hard to believe that Geo could read all these in one week. Plus, these were all on history, mythology and ancient culture! How could a mere 15 year old kid possibly like these?!

"Haha I've just got a lot of free time and besides most of these books are pictureless."

He let out a small laugh and walked towards the book shelves. The main reason as to why he read history books was to search for any traces of magic. He thought that Elina was hiding something in it's history. After all, Elnia was too normal for something like transmigration to take place.

Sadly, there weren't any new books in the 'History' section and he quickly lost interest on that shelf. He walked around a bit and stopped by the shelf marked as 'Religion'. He rarely approached this shelf as he had deemed it to be useless. Gods in Elnia were different from Earth, but the books here mostly taught people about God's teachings, and God's 'history' was all over the place.

History was the only thing he cared about and Geo preferred it to be at least a bit accurate.

Geo scanned the books from top to bottom and did not find anything interesting. The shelf hadn't been updated before Geo had started coming here, and it didn't look like it was going to be updated anytime in the future.

He walked towards the other shelves hoping to find some books that he could read during the holidays. Science and Mathematics were a no go. He hated it before his transmigration and he hated it now too.

'Too many numbers and x, y, z -s', he thought.

He had tried to read some but had immediately given up. There were only formulas, theories and diagrams of weird machines there.

Literature was fine but he only picked up biographies and autobiographies. Magic in fiction was not as great as magic in real life. He also felt depressed thinking about how he could only imagine about witches and wizards, and not become one of them. The other books were too boring for him.

Having found nothing of interest, Geo picked up two random novels and stopped at the 'Religion' shelf to pick up a rather thin book. It was labelled as 'God's second coming' and seemed thin enough for Geo to survive through the preachings.

After that, he registered the books with Miss Kiara and wished her goodnight before leaving the library.

The sky was getting darker by the second, and people had started to close their stores and go back to the comfort of their homes.

Some horse carriages passed by Geo as he briskly walked towards his house. Both his parents worked at a bank on the other side of town, so they would usually be a little late. Due to this, they had hired a maid to take care of the house and Geo, while they were away. His maid was usually lenient about what time he returned home.

The only condition she had put was for him to come home before 6 pm. His parents would arrive soon after and she didn't want to lose her job over this.

As Geo was walking down the usual street, he suddenly stopped before an alley.

'I'm pretty sure that I just heard something from here.'

The noise was faint and hard to decipher but Geo could still hear a faint noise coming from the alley. He paused for a moment and decided to investigate the commotion, albeit cautiously.

This was very risky as it had a chance of being something unpleasant, but curiosity took over Geo's logic. Living a bland life had left him a bit thirsty for some adventure, action and a bit of danger.

He looked around and quickly entered the alley when no one was looking. The path was very dirty and seemed to be covered by a thin layer of sludge. Geo didn't mind this and kept walking. The noise grew louder as he moved towards the source. It seemed to be coming from around the corner. Geo walked softly and peeped out from the corner where the noise was coming from.

A fat paunchy man and a masked woman arguing furiously. Geo was only able to make out their general figures due the darkness, so he just decided to observe and leave at the first sight of danger.

"Arnold, I'm telling you again. I ain't giving you shit until you pay me back."

"I told you I'm gonna. pay. YOU. BACK! Just give me the DAMN SALT!"

"Not a fucking chance. You've told me the same thing three times now. Get lost."


'Salt? As in something like bath salts? These guys.....they're drug dealers aren't they...'

Geo casually thought as he observed the duo from around the corner. He was about to leave when something suddenly caught his interest and even left him a bit shocked.

Arnold, the fat man, suddenly lunged at the woman and made a grab for her pockets but Tris was quicker and side stepped, making Arnold grab air and trip on himself. She then immediately punched Arnold on the face and kicked him on the stomach. The force was enough to lift the fat man into the air, but Arnold had somehow maintained his balance. He didn't even look injured.

All of his happened extremely quick!

'It's not unusually fast, but these people are definitely professionals at fighting! And that fat man.....he doesn't even look hurt after getting punched and kicked with such force!'

Geo shivered when a cold malicious aura covered him. It seemed to be emanating from Arnold.


Arnold shouted and pulled out a dagger from underneath his coat. He ran towards Tris and slashed at her but she jumped back and dodged it easily. She was about to pull out something from her belt when they both suddenly heard a shout.

"Officers! They're here! They're doing illegal stuff here!"

Soon after, lights from several torchlights and the sound of people running and whistling could be heard from around the corner.

Matthew immediately stopped and ran at the opposite direction while Arnold cursed out loud before chasing after Matthew.


The drug dealers ran at full speed and did not even notice a young boy fall out from the corner.

Geo quickly stood up from the sludge covered ground and stared at the place where he was hiding at. His eyes were full of fear and his face had turned pale.


*Wrinkles, drooping skin, etc