Chapter 29 - First Blood

At the town eastern gate.

"He went to the east, Captain Heskins, to Coulis Forest. We tried to stop him but he was too fast. He injured a couple of guards during his escape," the guard responsible for this gate explained the situation to Jarret. Apology was written all over his face but Jarret's fury only burned stronger.

Jarret, Franco, and Roger spoke to their fellow guards. The scene around them was as if a rampaging elephant passed through.

"I need two from among you with us. We will chase and neutralize the criminal adventurer. Franco, Roger, ready your gear. We'll go to Coulis Forest."

"Got it. What about you, Cap?"

"For precaution, I'll send a message to Motipa town. They'll send some guys from the opposite direction and we can pincer the murderer, Adventurer Cain of Ur." Jarret was determined to arrest Cain. "We depart ASAP!"

"Sir, yes sir!" The men answered.

During the chase, when the party of five were running on the road.

"…Captain Jarret, I've been thinking. He managed to kill Sigma who can kill a Rank 3 monster… doesn't this mean the perp is Level 3 at least?" Franco looked shaken.

"No. He was only a level 1. Yes, Sigma killed a Rank 3 monster but it's because of that special skill of his. We all sensed Sigma wasn't even a Level 0. The perp ambushed him like a coward… What's worse, he killed Sigma in front of my sister! I'll never forgive him."

His eyes turned sharp.

"I'm the Captain of the town guard. I'll never forgive those who break the law!" Jarret confidently said, easing the rest of the party.

They reached Coulis Forest not long after.

"He definitely went through here, Cap. My Arte is still in effect."

Franco threw a fistful of dust on the ground and it showed footsteps, Cain's trail.

"Dusty Trail, was it? Good Arte," Jarret commented.

"Thank you, sir," praise from the captain he respects so much meant a lot for him.

"Alright, we'll go in. Eyes and ears sharp. Franco, lead the way."

The five followed Jarret's direction. The tracker, Franco was at the lead and the other four followed, ready to react should anything happen. Into the forest they went, to bring a criminal to justice.

"Mm? That's strange, the trail ends here."

After they went deep into the trees, the trail they followed abruptly ended.

"Did he realize he's being tracked?" Roger scanned the trees.

"Possibly. Squad, split up."

Jarret split the group into three. Franco and Roger were a pair and the newcomers, Victor and Philip were another. Jarret would be alone.

"Is this wise, captain? I dislike the idea of splitting our forces." Roger cautioned.

"You all are Level 1. I trust as a pair you won't be bested by a single Level 1 adventurer scum."


"Enough! We're wasting time. Let's go." Jarret turned around and went deeper into the forest.

"Roger…" Franco whispered.

"I know. He's angry, for Kate… for Sigma too," Roger sighed. "I've got a bad feeling about this. Victor, Philip, always be on your guard."

"Sir!" The pair answered their superior.


Coulis Forest was not flat land, it was filled with steep inclines and even a gorge. As the party went deeper, they climbed the treacherous terrain ahead. The ground they put their feet on was filled with vegetation and foliage. The mana in this area was quite thick, mists clouded their vision as they proceeded ever deeper.

Five people separated into three groups to look for clues as to where Viers went, maintaining a set of distance from each other.

"What a mess this day turned out to be," Victor grumbled.

"Focus Victor, we're against a murderer here." Philip looked much more serious than the other guy.

"Just a Level 1 Pathseeker, Cap will apprehend that guy in no time. He shouldn't have run and made things difficult for us. Now we have to work overtime," the man was annoyed.

"You didn't see him Vic, but I did. His speed is something else. There were four of us back at the gate but he went through us like we weren't even there."

"Bah, he's still a Level 1, not much different than us… isn't it?" Victor double-checked the info.

"Well yeah, but..."

"But what? He could be hiding his Level? Why would anyone do that?" His tone was getting cockier by the moment, Viers could not stand it.

Viers emerged from the thickets, a knife stab to the thigh followed by submerging Victor's head in a sphere of water. The knife was blazing hot, it cauterized the wound as it burned. Whilst he screamed, he inhaled water through his nose and mouth, making an ugly gurgling sound.

By the time Philip turned around because of the noise, Viers was already launching his next attack. He hit Philip's temple with the hilt of his sword and while the subject was staggering, he moved behind him to give him a triangle choke.

Philip tried to break free but Viers had higher physical strength. When that failed, he tried to use his Arte but the simple ones he cast had no effect on Viers. The Wind Arte he used was blocked by Viers' Water Barrier he cast prior to launching his attack.

Philip soon lost consciousness while Victor was still gargling his throat.

Viers let go of Philip, dismissed the water sphere and severed Victor's left leg.

Victor's gasping for air turned into a painful wail spreading throughout the forest.

"Uuaaahh!! MY LEG! MY LEEEG!"

"Even with a similar Level, I can still defeat a weakling like you," Viers disappeared into the thick foliage again.


Jarret came, drawn by the scream, just as Viers wanted.

Their spread was like this: Jarret in the center with the other two groups at his left and right. After Viers attacked, he drew the attention of Jarret and the other group. Jarret reached here first, checking the condition of the crying Victor and the passed out Philip.

Meanwhile, Viers climbed a tree and passed Jarret on the way to ambush the other group.

When he saw Franco and Roger running to Victor's location, Viers delivered an ambush from the trees.

Death from Above.

No, I didn't want to kill them, Viers corrected.

Non-lethal Death from Above Takedown.

Viers gave Franco who was behind Roger a Rider Kick to the face.

"Bgggrhh!!" Franco didn't expect a foot on his face and fell.


Viers threw his red-hot knife to the turning Roger.

"Khf!" Roger moved by reflex.

Roger managed to block the knife using his sword. But the second knife Viers threw hit him on the shoulder.

"Aaarrghh!" He screamed.

But these two were more experienced than Victor and Philip.

Franco created tendrils of dust to capture Viers while Roger conjured tens of water arrows, shooting towards Viers.

Viers let go of his sword and drew water from inside it, shaping it into spears in each hand. Viers jumped to avoid the dust tendrils and gracefully evaded the arrows whilst in the air, spinning like a wheel. He also threw his water spears to both of them, piercing them at the gut.

Roger was nailed to a tree while Franco nailed to the ground.

"Im… possible," Roger couldn't believe what he saw, coughing blood.

His speed, power, precision, judgement… He's only Level 1, Franco thought. How could he be so strong?

Even now Viers only used Level 1 strength to deal with the two of them.


Jarret's voice grew closer, Viers knew he had little time left. So he picked up his sword and cut off both of Franco's arms.

"Franco! Nooo!" Roger yelled. His pained expression was as if it was his arms that were being slashed.

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Even a grown man like Franco couldn't help but shout.

Viers picked up his blazing knife and placed the edge of his sword to the immobile Roger. It was at this moment Jarret arrived. He saw his friend defeated and bloodied which made him more than furious. His face turned into an ogre and looked towards Viers.

"Move one muscle, and this guy dies." Viers calmly said before Jarret could do anything stupid.

"You adventurer bastard. We were right! You're all no different than violent thugs!" Jarret cursed. "Take off your mask, Cain. You're not fooling anyone."

Viers, who was wearing a white Hannya mask from his cult days, did not react against Jarret's insult nor accusation. Like an aloof demon, he stood there as if he was in control. Jarret might not be able to see Viers' face but his eyes… those were the eyes of someone looking at trash.

"I could have killed'em all."

He said with a deep voice.

"Get him Jarret! Don't mind me, hrgh..." Roger bravely said while coughing blood. Viers made a slight slit on his neck then continued on as if he didn't hear anything. Jarret eyed him warily, his friend's life was on the line.

"I could have killed you."

He said the cold hard fact.

"In town you're the law, out here, it's me."

The words made Jarret twitch. Viers gave him one last chance.

"Don't push it. Don't push it, or I'll give you a war you won't believe."

Viers did not raise his voice but the intensity was felt by everyone, even the extremely hurting Franco.

"Let it go," Viers pressed his sword closer to Roger's neck. "Let it, go."

The masked youth created a floating sword-shaped water and used the flora around him to disappear from Jarret's sight.

"If you don't give your men treatment soon, they will die," Viers left them alive but wounded precisely for this. The cannon fodders would be very effective for stalling this leader hero type.

As expected, Jarret did not pursue. Viers went deeper into the forest. After he went away, the water spears and the water blade he left for threatening Jarret dissipated.

"Cap, tain… I'm, sorry," Franco passed out.

Jarret's heart was colder than a thousand-year-old glacier. Cain slipped away, leaving blood and destruction in his wake… and he, the Captain of the town's guard, was powerless to stop him. He didn't even have the chance to trade blows with the murderer of the town's savior, Cain dishonorably went after his men. Now, Roger and Franco were heavily injured and needed medical attention. He never felt something like this.

The humiliation was unlike anything he had ever felt.