Chapter 35 - Law

The sun's light was starting to chase away night's darkness but the forest still provided ample cover because of the foliages and mists.

Leaving the scene of the battle, Viers strode away. If a normal human was standing five meters away and looking right at him now, they would only see a vague blur in their vision.

Arte — Fade in Shadow.

Viers used this Arte a few times in the earlier battle and now he used it to escape.

Viers got this Arte from Demetrus' memory, this Arte made the user invisible. Not simple obscuration of form either, Fade in Shadow reduced sounds of breathing and footsteps and raised movement speed. The first attack when breaking invisibility would be infused with the dark energy that was making the user invisible, forcefully injecting the victim with magical damage. The stronger the invisibility, the higher the damage.

In short… a certain scarab's ultimate move? Hehehhe ahaha Nyx, Nyx, Nyx, Nyx! Viers laughed in a very particular way.

Should I change this Arte name to Vendetta? Viers had such thoughts when he first acquired this Arte. In the end, he decided to keep using the original name.

Fade in Shadow Arte was aptly named, the user first faded into shadows before it was the victim's turn to sink into the dark maw of death.

The strength and complexity of invisibility depend on a lot of factors such as the Level of the user. This is a non-attribute Arte so every Pathseeker can use it no matter their affinity but from Demetrus' memory, this Arte's effectiveness increased exponentially when used by dark, shadow, and space Pathseeker. I'm not any of them so it would have to do.

This Arte was the trademark of the assassins guild, which was also a devil's cult so how could it be weak? The true assassins from the guild were famous for slipping into places unseen and killing their target like ghosts. They had been around for thousands of years, cementing their sky-high reputation with the skulls of the fallen. One of the reasons for their dreadful notoriety was the Arte Fade in Shadow.

Which Viers now stole.

Soul-fuckin'-search! This was a staple technique in xianxia novels but it has so much more potential. Can extract true information from the living and the dead? Every intelligence agency in modern Earth would literally sell their soul to have agents with this ability.

Viers went east, where the sun's rays shone upon him. The only way to leave the Coulis Forest was through a narrow path, tall rock cliffs on the path's left and right. Only one carriage might pass through one at a time.

Jarret was standing right in the middle of the entrance like a stone guardian. Fully clad in armor, a broadsword was planted in front of him.

Well… shit. So even with all that, I can't avoid the boss fight. Now it's up to my strength to carve open a path.

As it got brighter, Fade in Shadow's effect began to decrease. A user at higher mastery might overcome this negative trait but not the current Viers. He didn't find any way around and the only way forward was guarded, so be it. He dispelled his invisibility and slowly walked towards Jarret.

"...How many did you kill?"

"If you care about them so much, why bring them here?" Viers chided, dropping his backpack nearby.

"For justice." Jarret's voice was pained but resolute.

"Justice... What a funny way of saying vengeance," Viers smiled behind his mask. "What were you thinking?"

Jarret scowled.

"Cain of Ur, by the powers granted to me by the law of Osemore town, as the Captain of the town guards I charge you guilty of illegal entry, resisting arrest, and mass murder. If you surrender peacefully, you will be given a proper trial before your sentence. What say you?"

For several seconds VIers didn't believe what he was hearing. This Jarret guy wanted to arrest him?

"...Are you an idiot?"

Jarret pulled his sword from the ground.

"I'll take that as a refusal," Jarret made a stance.

"It seems you didn't hear me clearly the last time. I warned you. Don't push it. Don't push it, or I'll give you a war you won't believe." Viers unsheathed his sword as he made a stance of his own.

The left side of his body and left foot forward, both hands on the hilt of the sword, slowly raising it to eye level while keeping the sword pointed to the enemy. Knees bent slightly to make the center of gravity lower. Viers hunched a bit to be able to dash with the highest efficiency.

"I drew first blood. You spilled the rest." Viers coldly said.

"...I have never met a person as selfish as you. Talking is useless, receive your comeuppance!" Jarret charged.

"The only law out here is the law of the jungle! The weak perish! Haaahh!" Viers slashed with all his strength.

Sword met sword, steel met steel, force met force, will met will.


Jarret's father was an honorable man.

He was the Captain of the town guards. Strong, dutiful, honest, just, loved by his subordinates and the populace.

That honorable man raised his son to be honorable too.

When he was little, Jarret asked his father a question.

"Father, why did you become a guard? Why not become the mayor or become the king? You definitely can do it if you want."

Jarret's father replied to his son's innocent question.

"Son, I have lived all my life in this town. This is home. I live a good life. I have a family I love so much. A good neighbor, a good town, good subordinates. The world might be large but to me, this is a slice of paradise, the place where I belong."

His father put his big palm on Jarret's head, stroking his hair with a calloused hand.

"The foundation of this is the law. The rules that bind us all together equally. A just law will make lives better. My life, uncle Hugh's life, neighbor Moli's life, you and your sister's life too. That's why I choose to become a guard, son. To protect the law and all of you."

Jarret etched his father's words deep into his heart.

A few years later, his father died of sickness, leaving Jarret and Kate alone in the world.

In the years after that, the public order of Osemore declined rapidly. Corrupt town officials raising taxes for their own greed and burdening the masses which turned to stealing and banditry.

Jarret saw the legacy of his father crumble and how true his father's words were.

"If I do not uphold the law, who will?"

"If I do not protect the town, who will?"

"To stay true to yourself, to make the difficult choices for the good of the many… That, my son, is called integrity."

With difficulty, Jarret joined the town guards and swiftly rose to the rank of Captain, the same rank as his father. He rebuilt the organization and returned order to Osemore.

He was young, only in his twenties but his power, leadership, and just actions gained him respect from many.

Years of peace followed, reinforcing his beliefs.

Until Cain came.

For the first time, he had met an adversary with utter disregard of the law. He was also as cunning as a fox and an honorless coward, always aiming at the weaker ones. Viers even had the gall to tell Jarret that he was the law to his face.

Humiliation, pain, regret, hastiness, and… the burning feeling of unacceptableness in his heart.

For law, for justice, Jarret convinced himself as he led the men to hunt down Cain.

With how young Cain was, he truly didn't believe Cain would possess the strength similar to him, someone ten years older. Roy and forty men would capture Cain hiding in the forest, exposing the hidden snake. He was only afraid Cain would somehow slip out from the encirclement. That was why he stood guard here, at the only path east. Cain came from Mokash town in the west, it was only logical his destination would be the east.

He knew Cain was stronger than he thought when he saw the light signal on the dark sky. It meant someone had died. Since Sigma already cleared Coulis Forest of monsters then only one person could be responsible for the act.

When Jarret laid eyes on Cain, walking leisurely towards him, it took all he had to control his temper. Against the encirclement of forty men and Roy, he'd only got a minor injury on the left shoulder. Jarret blamed himself for underestimating Cain and his men had paid the price, the ultimate price.

Still, he convinced himself he was doing this for the right thing. To uphold the law, for justice.

"Justice... What a funny way of saying vengeance."

That reply cut Jarret to the bone.

But it didn't matter. Nothing was more important than defeating this outlaw. He must face trial and be given a just sentence for his wrongdoings.

It was the only way he could repay the fallen.

Jarret's broadsword met Cain's blue colored one-handed sword.

Cain's sword got blown away and Jarret delivered a front kick to Cain's chest.

Jarret felt his kick crack Cain's ribs.



Two people were riding horses on a dark road. All of a sudden, a white eagle landed on the shoulder of one of them.

"Albus Eagle, how rare." The old man took a message tied to the bird's foot.

Albus Eagle. It's only used to deliver messages of utmost importance by the church's higher-ups. What could have happened? Freya wondered.

Her master read the message intently then it burst into flames until nothing remained.


The old man raised his hand and both of them flew to the sky, leaving the horses.

"The Interpreter of Fate has spoken. You're needed immediately," the old man spoke.

"Eh? Where are we going?" Freya asked.
