Chapter 41 - The Lonely Girl

The Sunlight fell gently on a small village. It was a common village like any other. Most of the dwellings were modest huts with cone-shaped roofs made of thatch. The folks here were doing their routine just like the day before and the day before that. A bit boring for some of them but most were content.

A peaceful and tranquil place surrounded by nature, giving them bounty and protection from the chaotic world.

The trees that had shed their leaves during autumn had started to grow fresh greeneries as if cheerfully welcoming spring. Delicate flowers of multiple colors were blooming here and there, providing fresh paint to the formerly white and grey world of snow.

Wildlife also became active like their flora counterpart, arising from winter's sleep then seeking food after a long hibernation. Birds migrating back, chirping, whistling, and warbling. Love was in the air as various species tried their luck in a mating game, to attract mates and shoo away rivals. They were following a tradition thousands of years old, as their ancestors did since their earliest presence on creation.

The adults looked to the clear skies with smiles. Fresh air like no other entered their lungs, refreshing their spirit. The season for tending the field was here. They tightened their belts and tucked their sleeves, carrying hoes to till the field. Dreaming to be rewarded with a bountiful harvest as the crystallization of all of their toil.

Little kids that had been bored out of their minds after being cooped up in their houses during winter's cold, happily embraced the first opportunity to play outside with their friend as the weather grew warmer. Smiling and laughing loudly, carving a trivial yet precious moment of childhood fun to their psyche.

On this particular day, a group of two boys and two girls were playing tag. From behind a tree not far from them but not too close, a small girl was peeking at them.

Uuu… Like mother said, I must be brave. I just got to gather my courage and ask to join Daniel and the others. But… but… what if they don't want me?

The group looked like they were having so much fun, the little girl was envious.

"Hey look, it's the Purple Imp! Go away, ugly. Stay away from us you freak!" One of the boys shouted.

"New plan, throw mud balls at the witch! Those with the most hits get a sweet fruit from the other three."

"Yaaay, look at my new move! My super mud shot becomes the witch killing super destroyer exploding mud shot!"


As the group started to pepper her with mud projectiles, she ran away. She didn't want to get covered with mud from head to toe again. Her mother had had a hard time cleaning her clothes after that.

Thankfully, she kept her distance and ran away fast enough so no mud balls hit her.

Uuu… even though I decided to make some friends this year…

Alas, the first step ended up in a disaster.

The girl had no friends close to her age, no playmates. She realized she was a bit different. Her hair was dark purple and sometimes, her shadows got weird. Thankfully, she never harmed anyone but nobody liked to interact with her, not other uncles and aunties, not other children. The ones kind to her in the village were only her parents and one other.

Last year she cut her hair short like a boy's haircut to minimize her differences with the other kids but it was useless. Currently, her hair that was bringing her so much misery was at shoulder length. In the past, she'd even thought of cutting her hair completely bald but in the end, didn't go forward with the idea. She was too afraid to do such a daring idea. She hated her cowardice.

After evacuating from the witch hunters armed with the dirty projectiles, the little girl went to the river close to the village.

It was her sanctuary, where she usually played. Other villagers also used this river for a lot of things such as washing and fishing but she'd found a nice hidden little spot upstream one year ago, unbeknownst to the villagers. The water there was shallow and not fast. There was a tree bearing delicious red fruits nearby… A beautiful slice of paradise.

If only she had someone to share it with.

I hope there are lots of misters fish and misters shrimp today, the girl thought. Perhaps we can play tag like Daniel and the others?

Not for catching and eating them. The girl wanted to play so it would be catch and release… If the water wasn't too cold.


Instead of the usual scene, there was a body of a person on the riverside.

Is he… is he dead? The girl thought after the initial shock abated. She carefully approached.

The person looked as white as a sheet. His clothes almost had no difference from rags and were still wet. Wavy brown hair and a bit round on the stomach. His left hand was gone as if cut by something sharp but no longer bleeding. Most importantly, he was still breathing.

The girl ran back home as fast as she could to inform her mom and dad.


He felt some movement on his skin and jolted awake. Eyes wide opened, he suddenly raised his upper body. His right hand ready to unleash a water arrow against hostiles.

"Eeeep! M-Mom! Dad!!"

The girl was startled by the youth's unexpected awakening. She was just trying to cover him with a blanket.

He saw a little girl running away then felt a deep staging sensation on his stomach and left hand.

Urgh… I, I'm alive?

Soon, three people were approaching him, led by a young man.

"Easy there, stranger. You have been injured quite badly... How are you?" He showed concern but also looked wary.

"...I," the boy replied after some consideration and looked around. "I'm fine."

They don't seem like guys from the church or the legion and this doesn't seem to be a prison. He concluded before answering. Dismissing the water Arte he readied.

"I'm Arim, Arim Irving and this is my wife, Susan. And that little girl is my daughter, Luca. What's your name, stranger?

Arim and Susan were a young couple, both seemed to be less than thirty. Since they got a kid about ten years old then they must have wed quite young.

The father of the household had light brown hair and the wife had an even lighter brown color, almost flaxen. Strangely, the little girl from earlier clearly had hair of a contrasting tone.

Their garments were very plain. Compared to the clothes people wore in towns, theirs were clearly below in quality. Some parts were clearly patched with different fabrics.

The place he was in was more of a hut than a house. A big circular place, only eight meters in diameter with some room divider made of bamboo acting as pseudo-walls. The floor was made of wood and there was barely any furniture. One part of the house was clearly a kitchen while the other end were beds made of straws like the one he had.

"My name is Ca-, ahem, Avel. Yes, Avel... of Javia," he corrected mid-sentence. "Ah! My rings!" Avel suddenly remembered.

"Here they are. Even unconscious, you clutched them very strongly. Those must be very precious to you," the wife had two rings on her palm and gave them to Avel.

Avel sighed in relief. "Thank you, ma'am," the slightly chubby youth examined his body. His stomach was bandaged, same with his left hand. "Where am I and what day is it?"

Arim told him that this place was called Pecan Village, a remote and secluded little village. When Arim told 'Avel' the date, it seemed six days had already passed since his battle against Freya.

So it should be four days traveling and two days unconscious. The youth calculated.

"You people… saved me?"

"It was our little girl that found you," Arim said.

"That her? Luca, is it?"

"Eeek!" Luca gasped as Avel noticed her, hiding behind Susan.

He left the bed with straw filling while wincing. His body still ached, especially the hand and stomach.

"You okay? Don't push yourself," Arim said.

"Ergh… It's fine. Just need a little adjustment," he replied.

He took a moment on his feet and gently approached her.

Luca seemed very meek, hiding her hair with her left hand in a childish and futile effort while hugging her mother's thigh like a koala.

"Hello little cutie pie. Thank you very, veeeery much for saving me." Avel kneeled to match her eye level, trying to be as un-intimidating as possible.

She didn't find the usual disgust and apprehension that usually exist in other people's eyes.

"Not… strange?" She said with her upturned black eyes.

"Hm?" Avel didn't catch her meaning at first. "Oh, you mean your hair?"

Luca winced.

"It's beautiful, I like it. That purple hair matched your eyes perfectly," Avel said with a big gentle smile plastered on his face.

"Ho?" She gasped upon the unexpected answer.

Luca was astounded. Somehow she knew it wasn't false or contained hidden disgust. This person really gave her 'acceptance', something that she craved so vehemently.

While Luca was stunned, not knowing what to do and Avel felt awkward because she didn't answer him. Luca's parents looked at each other and felt a little relieved in their hearts.

"Well, we don't have much but how about a meal? You woke up just in time for breakfast." Arim kindly offered, Susan didn't seem to object.

"That would be wonderful. Thank you sir, ma'am, little one," Avel addressed them one by one.

He didn't feel hostility or sense anything dangerous so he accepted.

…It appears I managed to escape from Freya and that Level 5. It's been six days… If they could find me, they already would have at this point. But my injury is quite severe… I might need to stay in this place for a while.

I wonder what this place has got to offer. Something interesting I hope.

Hm, 50.21% huh? Not bad.