Chapter 50 - Strength

Another great morning and the weather was perfect for a walk outside, which is precisely what Viers did.

He was accompanied by Luca, on the way to the place of 'Mister Horse'.

"So what do you usually do every day?"

"Umm, playing by myself?"

"Kids around your age were mean to you, right? Because of your purple hair?"

"Nn," Luca nodded.

I don't get what the fuss is all about. It's dark purple, almost black. Not so different.

"What about the other adults in the village?" He wanted to know the family's standing in the village.

"Village uncles and aunties are better. They don't like me but they don't beat me or yell at me. When I'm doing an errand, they aren't mean… Sometimes I help Mom and Dad in their work."

"Making pots and sewing, hm? Oh yeah, can you read or write?" Avel asked.


"Your parents didn't teach you?"

"They don't know how to read or write either."

"…Oh," Avel muttered.

The pair passed the center of the village. Some villagers gave them a wary look. Luca kept walking with her head down, avoiding eye contact. Avel gave a nod here and there. And then, he saw something unusual.

"Luca, why are those people praying and giving offerings to a tree?"

There was a withered white tree in the center of the village. People were kneeling before it, presenting foodstuff they gathered from the forest, saying their prayers and wishes to it.

Avel and Luca stopped walking for a moment, watching from the distance.

"Dad said that during his great grandfather's time, this village was very prosperous. A goddess bestowed her divine protection to this place, creating wondrous plants and fruits. Crops also grow big and healthy."

"Hold up, the goddess. Is it Estelle?" Avel asked.

"Who's Estelle?" Luca looked confused.

The church didn't spread to here? Avel wondered.

"Sorry for interrupting, carry on."

"Un, so the goddess, she also planted that tree in the center of the village. Since then, no monster has come close to the village."

"I see… even until this day?"

"Un," she confirmed.

"But it looks almost dead now."

"Dad said the goddess died during great grandfather's time. The wondrous plants and fruits disappeared and monsters became lots. Harvest is also not as good. Because of that tree, the monsters don't dare to come close to the village but the surrounding area is filled with monsters. Some think the goddess is still alive since the tree is still protecting the village."

This place is an island surrounded by dangerous seas. What would happen when the tree completely dies? How much longer could that tree last? A decade? A few years? Less?

"…So that's why this village is so cut off from the rest of the world," Avel spoke after some thinking.

"Mhm," Luca bobbed her head. "Big bro is smart!"

"Now, now. Don't praise your big bro too much or his head might become bigger," Avel smiled.


Someone screamed from behind, thrusting a spear at Luca.

"Ahhh!" Luca yelped.


Avel kicked the spear at the shaft. It left the assailant's hand and fell away.

"This is not a joke. You idiot," Avel felt quite a bit of anger by the unreasonableness of it all.

It was Daniel, one of the bullies that Luca repulsed a while back. A boy about the age of 11 to 13.

"What are you doing!?" The big boy screamed injustice.

"That's my line you ignorant little snot. You wanted to spear her to death!?" He raised his voice.

Luca was already hiding behind Avel, hugging his thigh like her life was depending on it.

"I am killing a monster that snuck into the village. A stranger like you shouldn't butt in!"


Avel slapped the idiotic boy, strongly. He fell to the side. Eyes wide and filled with confusion. One hand holding his cheek.

"Y-y-you, you hit me…"

"Of course I hit you. Your parents obviously weren't stern enough in raising their kid. What a failure on their part."


Daniel fought back, wanting to hit Avel with his fist. The youth with one hand easily dodged and slapped the stupid kid again, on the same cheek.

"Move away for a bit," Avel said to Luca.


Daniel turned feral, wildly attacking Avel but it was no use. Avel dodged or parried the attacks then countered each of them with a slap. The youth still used his arm sling so he really fought using only one hand. There was a shadow of training in Daniel's movements but Avel beat him down all the same. Daniel's left cheek was really swollen after tens of slaps, his tear ducts were welling up.

"…Hiks, uuughh…"

"Oh you're crying now. Not so tough now are you?" Avel looked down on Daniel who was on the ground.

"I-Iwyll… hiks… telldad bout this, higg." The bully stuttered through his crying.

Avel replied by focusing his 'killing intent' on the boy.

Daniel was stunned, hands trembling, eyes wide, throat dry.

"You think you're strong so you bullied this little girl who you thought is weaker than you. Surely you have no complaints if someone does the same to you in turn? You almost killed her. It is my God's given right to almost kill you."

Avel's voice was like ice, full of disgust by what the boy tried to do.


A puddle of water was created, wetting Daniel's pants and a distinct smell was in the air.

"Uwahhh! Daaaaaadddd!!"

Daniel left like the small fry he was. Running with his tail between his legs with a bawling face.

"Phuih. What a shit stain." Avel spat to the side of the road.

Kids can be cruel. Mostly because they don't truly understand the meaning of their actions.

Avel took up the spear that Daniel left. Hm? Quite a good spear he brought.

In the distance, a few villagers had seen the spectacle between Avel and Daniel.

"The brat tried to spear Luca to death," he showed the spear to the onlookers. "I taught him a lesson."

The four or five villagers whispered to each other, discussing Avel's acclaim. Avel cared not for their gossip and approached the waiting Luca.

He kneeled to match her eye level.

"Was it scary?"

She shook her head but Avel felt she forced herself. He patted her head as gently as he could.

"Let's walk a bit before we talk." He took her hand and walked away from the onlookers and the smell of urine. He carried the spear by tucking it under his armpit.

Luca kept silent the whole time. Avel sat her down on a wooden log after they walked far enough.

"You are different. I think you already have an inkling about that. That's why you stood out from the group." Avel talked to Luca beside him while looking at the distance.

"…I don't want to be different."

"What you have, is a gift."

"It is a curse."

"Unfortunately we can't choose how we are born. Not you, not me, not anybody else. We have to deal with it, and move on."

Luca didn't answer. Couldn't answer.

"Do you know what a Pathseeker is, Luca?"

"…People with special abilities… like you. Dad said I might be one."

"Close enough. What you have is a talent. If you trained it, then you might become an exceptional Pathseeker."

"…So I was born to become a Pathseeker?"

"No. You must choose. To be one or not. The life of a Pathseeker is not easy and full of dangers. Living in this peaceful village might make you happier."

"…Big bro Avel chose to be a Pathseeker?"



"Because there's something I want. That's why I struggle for it."

"…Luca… Luca wants for Mom and Dad to be happy, and so they can eat lots of food. They always eat less than Luca when there's not enough to eat. Luca also wants to give them lots of good clothes. Luca wants to play with the others… And, and, and Luca don't want to be bullied anymore." The little girl tucked her knees and buried her face on it.

"…But Luca can't do any of those," she said dejectedly.

Avel patted her head.

"I saw you use your shadow that time, remember?"

"Mm," Luca mumbled.

"You didn't hurt the other kids. I know you didn't have control of it so you must be unconsciously holding back. Because you don't want them to get hurt, even if they are cruel to you."

"Mm," Luca mumbled again.

"You're a kind girl. For now, I'll teach you to control your power. Leaving it unchecked might be dangerous. To others and to yourself. With your kind heart, I know you won't abuse it."


"It's okay. I'll only teach the basics. Then you can protect yourself from something like earlier. One day, when you are all grown up, you can choose to be a Pathseeker or not. So cheer up, yeah?" Avel lifted her face. She was on the verge of tears.

"I'll give you a piece of advice I heard from a king. The words are this: Seek strength. The rest will follow."

"Seek strength… The rest will follow?"

"Yes. Strength or skill."

"So big brother Avel is telling Luca to be a Pathseeker?"

"No. There are many kinds of strength. Even a non-Pathseeker like your mom and dad have strength. They have the strength to live and raise you. They have the skills to make pots and sew clothes and feed you. Blacksmiths have the skill to create tools. Merchants have skills in trading. To live in this world, we all need some kind of strength. The greater the strength, the wider your path in life."

That is true on Earth, in this world, and in any other world out there.

Luca was contemplating what she heard deeply.

"As for you, little Luca, you're still young so there's no need to rush. In the future when the ugly duckling has grown up into the swan, at the very least, have enough strength to protect yourself and those you hold dear."

"…Un," she nodded strongly.

As for me, I'll settle for the strength to kill my enemies.

"Okay then. Let's go to this Mister Horse's place. Gooo!"


Luca seemed to get some of her spirits back. She hopped down the log and tugged Avel's hand forward, smiling.


Paina was looking at the screen floating on the air with Farley and Clarissa.

"Seek strength. The rest will follow… Nice advice. I wonder which king said this," Clarissa pondered.

"Very fitting for Lord Viers…" Farley sighed.

"…Seek strength…" Paina felt the words echo inside her very soul.