Chapter 60 - A Happy Return


Dia hugged him with all her might.

"Yes, I suppose that calling is fitting now."


Naturally, the trio witnessed the rite between Viers and the newly named Dia.

"A Biome Master as a familiar, ahaha… What has the world turned into?"

Clarissa was in a posture similar to a kneeling human, hands on the ground, as she weakly laughed. Only she understood the absurdity of it. It almost shattered her beliefs.

"Did Lord Viers take her up as his child?"

"…I'm not sure. Looks like a marriage ceremony to me."

Farley and Paina exchanged their opinion.

"Well, now that the complicated matters have been resolved, as promised, how about we play?"

"Un, un! What should we play about?"

"Hehehe. I'm sure you'll like it. It's called… Hide and Seek!"

Viers determined the boundary of the game and told Dia the rules, including no Arte or any magical means permitted. Viers let the dryad hide and he became the seeker. After the count of 50, Viers started to look around. It was quite fun since many of the plants were something he had never seen before and most were quite beautiful.

After he found her and after another match with Viers being the one hiding, Viers taught her about a few more simple games such as rope jumping using vines, playing catch using a round fruit, and chasing water bubbles that Viers made.

They both spent the time filled with laughter until the sunflowers' light had grown dim.

"Okay. I guess it's time for me to go home. Awww, cheer up little flower, I'll be back tomorrow."

Dia was reluctant but she let him go in the end.

"You can feel me right? And I can feel you. We're now connected. Don't worry, we'll be together for a long, long time. Have a good sleep for now," Viers assured her.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. I'll open the way out now."

"Wait, wait. First, let us say goodbye to grandpa Skely."

The skeleton had fallen from the tree because of the shaking of the Biome earlier. It witnessed a certain villain's significant harvest. It was now a pile of bones. Accidentally, the skull was currently facing right at Viers.

Viers bowed while making a prayer gesture with one hand like a buddhist monk. Dia mimicked him. The both of them gave the remains of Reverend Purity his last rites of sorts.

Thanks bud. Thanks for all that you've done. You killed Dia's previous self then she returned and became my familiar. You also gave me gifts. I'm in awe of your generosity. Just so you know, I'm a villain. But I'm not the killing-everyone-he-sees kind so you can rest a little bit easier… hopefully.


Coincidence or not, the jaw on the skull opened with a dull sound. Now it looked like the bones of Reverend Purity had a jaw drop.

"This Reverend Purity fellow was quite good. To be able to strike down a Biome Master inside their Biome was a feat worth recording," Clarissa commented.

"Yeah well, his flesh is dust now. Speaking of remains, I hope his soul is well tended to since I'll take his bones."

"Viers? Whatever for?" Paina was distraught by the idea.

"Bones from a Level 5 Pathseeker are useful. It would be a shame to leave them behind. I've heard about alchemists and blacksmiths and others who would go crazy for such a thing." Farley chimed in her approval.

"Viers, don't disrespect the dead." The kind-hearted lady appealed to his better nature.

And she succeeded.

"...You know, you're right. He did us a solid. I'll just take one bone then bury the rest," Viers found the middle path.

Paina still protested but Viers was already at peace with his conscience and had no qualms taking the bone whatsoever.

Other than the one he took, Viers buried the bones there. As for the three gifts the good reverend left behind, Viers naturally claimed them as his possession but he had no intention of bringing them out at the moment. After all, it was safer here, inside his familiar's Biome.

I'll deal with them later.

After that was done, Viers talked with Dia about how he would be getting out. The simplest thing was to make another portal but Dia confessed she didn't know how.

Thankfully, Clarissa could and she extended her knowledge to the immature Biome Master.

Her control over the Biome is lacking. Perhaps some practice is in order.

"There, a proper Rift that can be closed and opened according to her will. If the portal is closed shortly after you go through, there won't be any mana leaking out from here."

"Thank you, princess. Your expertise saved us once again," Viers gave his praise, lightheartedly but not falsely.

A portal that looked like a swirling vortex within a black mirror circle appeared before Viers.

"So, Dia, let me tell you first that as wonderful as this place is, there's a whole world out there. So much bigger than this place and filled with many things, both good and bad. I'll introduce you to the outside world little by little, okay?"

"Un, I trust you."

"Good girl. I'm sure you'll find the world outside to your liking. I might even introduce you to the others, look forward to it."

"You mean the other humans? Your pets?" Dia innocently asked.

…It seems she's in dire need of education about common sense if she is ever to walk the outside world.

"Well, yes, the humans. But they're not 'pets'. I'll explain about it next time. For now, bye-bye buttercup."

Viers waved and Dia waved back. He came out at the place he met the dryad the first time, somewhat deep in the woods.

If I'm going to visit her regularly, perhaps arranging a closer entrance is high on the priority list.

Viers sighed and started walking back home.

The plant disaster at Pecan Village had begun to die down. Viers assured the villagers that it would be fine. The source of the anomaly had been taken care of. He visited Shlomo's place and according to his observation, the Rank 3 plant would die because of the lack of nutrients in a few days. While Viers told Shlomo about how he managed to close the portal, he didn't explain too much, certainly not a peep about Dia. Shlomo didn't pry. He was glad the disaster had passed and assured Viers that it was fine waiting for the monster plant to die, he had no trouble maintaining his sand form for a week.

An explosive growth because of mana, because it didn't come into existence normally, the Rank 3 plant monster couldn't last. What a fleeting existence.

After a long day, Viers finally returned to the Irvings place. Home –however temporarily– with people waiting for his return.

The scarecrow with the famous words/title on it welcomed him, and so did Luca who jumped and hugged him with a relieved smile on her face.

"Welcome home, big brother Avel."

"I'm back. Who's been a good girl, hmn?"

Viers stroked her purple hair like they were made of silk. Susan hurriedly met him at the lawn with Arim following right behind.

"Mister Avel. We're overjoyed by your return. The strange happenings are gradually disappearing so we figured you must have succeeded. Please, I've prepared a lavish dinner for you. Though, mostly using the ingredients you procured, ahaha."

"Thank you Madam Susan. That would be lovely," Viers looked at the family that gave him such a warm welcome. "It's good to be back."


It had been the most productive three weeks.

After the excitement with Dia, Viers' slow life began again. Despite the self-dubbed slow life, Viers had done many things.

He had introduced Dia to the Irvings, in the hope of human interactions could cure her ignorance. To that end, Dia practiced so she could change her appearance to be more similar to humans. Farley and Clarissa informed him that dryads were capable of such a feat. Her skin was now healthy brown, like a healthy child often playing under the sun. Her hair was still 'leafy' but it was tidier.

Viers gave a rough introduction to the Irvings, telling them that he had found the long-lost goddess of the village but her power had weakened and she lost her memories. He hoped the Irvings would be amiable to the idea of adding another person under their roof.

"O Goddess, welcome to our humble abode. Forgive us for not being able to provide a more worthy accommodation for someone as great as you, Your Holiness."

"Your Holiness. Please bestow your divine blessings upon this village."

Arim and Susan were kowtowing to Dia.

"…This feels familiar," Dia muttered, which Viers heard and made a forceful smile.

"Ahahaha. Mister Arim, Madam Susan, come come, there's no need for such servility. Please, we're merely guests."

Viers managed to make them act normally after a lengthy persuasion.

As for Luca…

"He's my kin!"

"No! He's my big brother!"





The two of them screamed at each other like they were each other's mortal enemy. Arim and Susan looked at each other and then looked at Viers who only smiled awkwardly. The stated kin and brother held them up before they could do a full prostration to Viers too.