The Lost Soul

Autumn greeted the kingdom with golden days and silvery nights. Every day after lunch I spent several hours in the dusty library, where I was being observed by the portrait of Edron's first king - Ethred, and the watchful eyes of my father's advisors.

After that I usually attended fencing or advanced horse riding lessons, including using a bow in the saddle. It was a really pleasant change, besides, it was better to wreak my anger on the straw targets, than on the advisors directly. In the evening I visited him in his office in the corner of the northern wing of the castle, to look through some official records and reports, that were apparently necessary for someone's happiness, but only raised my blood pressure. Only a few first words of his lectures were enough to make my gaze drift outside the window, at the green of the ancient trees, interspersed with gold and whispering to me, tempting with the freedom of fresh air caught between them. At first I tried the strategy of pretending to listen to him, and instead fantasizing about my books and my beloved willow in the gardens, but that worked well for maybe two days. After that came remorse. I knew this was for my own good, besides, I was aware, that Ors was sharper, than his looks suggested.

Drinking tea with Kiya at the end of the day became a habit. Spending time with her was the most relaxing activity available to me in this castle. She was always kind and helpful, and her cheerful attitude and ramblings about her dream of wanting to become a blacksmith followed by complains, that no one was willing to let her try, were simply heartwarming. She also liked to tell tales, legends I supposedly knew, but forgot. Stories of the times before Edron even existed, of times before the silence, of the dragons I so admired, who concluded alliances with humans one spring, only to break them in the next...

Sometimes I asked her to tell me things about myself, my past and childhood. She never refused, but I noticed a certain uneasiness in her answers, and her shoulders seemed to slump a little, her cheerfulness dimmed. That somehow made me think, that maybe she was lying... but why would she do that? Otherwise she was always so open and frank, so why then?

One evening, tired, but in a surprisingly good mood, I headed for the gardens. This morning I asked Kiya to bring the tea there, so that we could delight in maybe one of the last warm days of the year. To my surprise, beneath the willow I found only a pile of leaves left there by the gardener. Assuming that she forgot the appointment due to too many duties, and was waiting for me in my room as usual, I made my way back into the castle.

However in my chamber I found only my black cat Sha, curled up in a ball on one of my pillows, sleeping soundly. Feeling an unpleasant sting of unease, I directed my steps towards the kitchen.

On my way there I bumped right into Ors.

"The king wishes to see you, young master," the chief counsel started, before I even opened my mouth.

I blinked a few times, then gave him only a silent nod, and headed right for the throne room.

When I arrived at the carved throne, father maintained his silence for a few moments. When I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to start the conversation. "Do you know where the maid Kiya is, father?"

"She's in the kitchen. She isn't allowed to leave, except for rest in the maiden's rooms."

"What... why? What did she do?"

"She was distracting you from your studies." His gaze was serious, with a hint of annoyance. "You are supposed to learn, and not waste your time chatting with that girl."

The disrespect in his voice almost made my blood boil. What stopped me from snapping were his next words: "Your birthday is in one week and I want you to present yourself with dignity at the festivities in the city."

"Festivities... city?"

"Yes, the townspeople want to celebrate their future king coming of age. Didn't I tell you that?"


"Well now you know. And now return to your studies."

"Yes father..."

I left the throne room, feeling a bit numb. I returned to my room and flopped onto the bed, earning myself a dissatisfied snort from Sha. I didn't pay her much attention though. I was furious. It wasn't fair. I always spent most of the day studying, and met Kiya only, when I was done. There was no way she would distract me from anything.

The only thing that lightened my mood a little was the perspective of visiting the city. I've never been there, since it was forbidden for me to leave the castle. Or I have been, but didn't remember... But from what I've heard, Ioth was a beautiful capital, full of people, stores and taverns. Maybe there, among ordinary people, I would at last find some peace of heart. Not like here, isolated and alien...

I sighed, hugging my head to the pillow. Was it even possible that I will someday feel better again? That I will feel that I'm at a real home, with someone who would be a real family to me...?

I tried remembering the face of my late mother, but after a few moments the awful headache returned.

I closed my eyes and stopped thinking about it.