The City of Pearls

It was still very early, when I got woken up by a silent knock on my door. I really didn't feel like getting up yet... Even more so because a cool, morning mist was intruding into the room like a ghost, through the carelessly left open window. Another knock forced me to finally sit up, drag myself out of bed and walk over to the door.

The face of the young priest, Cas, was the first thing I saw after opening it.

"I'm sorry to wake you at this hour..." he started. "Would you mind accompanying me despite the time? I would like to show you something..."

I was too sleepy to argue, and unconscious enough to let myself be lead through the dark, creaky hallway. The young priest led me across the first floor, where the faces from some godly paintings watched us from the semi-darkness, and then up some stairs. And suddenly, to my surprise, I found myself standing on the roof of the temple.