Chapter XLII - A Fight for all the wrong Reasons

I snuck back into the stronghold through one of the surviving windows shortly after and immediately ducked into the shadows, listening for any sounds. Any at all. But once again, there was silence between the walls that cracked into various patterns, silence that made any rustle seem like screaming. It didn't ease my mind. This time I was painfully aware that I could bump into some ansirth, a random kanh or, gods forbid, Sharish himself at any moment. But none of my foes was expecting me to be outside of the stronghold master's chambers right now and I intended to exploit that mercilessly. The only problem was that I had no idea how to find Siaril and Yasenka in something as ridiculously big as this castle. My best bet was the underground we went through earlier. It seemed like the appropriate direction for transporting prisoners...