Two men, dressed up with fine suits were on the doors of Sofia's house. Clinton Ross, husband of Sofia Rose, opens the door and invites them with a perpetual smile. The inside story was a turning event as after few minutes, he pushed those men outside the house. Asst. Evan comes back to check-in his boys but they were dead. As he was checking their pulse, at a surprising moment, Clinton who was fierce like a lion hits him with a crossbar and pulls him inside the house…thus calling the police to note down the death of two men…

While, as investigations were turning down from neck to neck, I asked him a straight forward question, "Well, Mr. Freight, if you do agree that you're not the murderer or you don't for BOSS. Who are you?" This was the moment, to shine his history and he stands up, walks down to kitchen, and comes back with his apron on his clothes and holds something which is covered in by a cloth. As he opens it…

Whereas, Jessica who is in the edge of death, gasps for a moment, she holds her hand, "L-eave the p-lace. They're…are coming…please…leave the place…" She was confused as Jessica was battling for death. Thus, she views at a distance, Sofia and Susie wearing black dress with armor and a pistol to kill her…

As he pulled down the cloth, I was shocked to see his errand behaviour. It was the head of unknown girl. I was so shocked, took out my gun, almost for a moment that he would be dead. But, someone who's inside the room, shot me right towards my abdomen. I fainted, with the bullet inside me body, battling for death…

Well, Clinton was clever like his wife, tied him in the chair with interrogative statements to Evan. He didn't replied anything and thus he brings a sword which is artefact but sharp enough to slice a body like an apple. He was afraid, speaks out the truth and Clinton were so shocked to hear him.

Jessica is struggling but Darcy couldn't leave her as she cannot leave any person behind the line. Thus, she lifts her and carries her, running down to the gates of the park. She calls out for help, but no one approached her. They were close enough to kill them without even knowing that Jessica is her daughter but it is obvious that she is adopted by Lucy Brown for further plans in future. Suddenly, Steven who was on his way to home, stops right to the park, pulls in them and rushes to the hospital. It was the right time to escape from them…

I woke up, in front of the lights of the operation theatre and it was Sir. Freightbury and an unknown man. I was tied with metal locks and can't lift a finger. I was worried that I may be donated to someone but he wasn't to do so as per the command of his BOSS…

While, Sofia Rose who's in the basement or dungeon of Lucy Brown is worried as her family would be dead. She knocks the door, shouts indistinctly as she wants to disturb the peace of guards. Finally, they approach her, asking her the questions related to the knocking of the door. Sofia was handcuffed with metals was like an animal chained to death. One of the guard whispers something to his friend. He smiles and leaves him alone with her. She sensed something wrong may happen to her. He locks the latch and turns to her…

Clinton said, "So, you were first engaged to her but she broke up when she met me and married me for whole life. Thus, who's he?" He spits, "He only invites the special one and no one can tell the name of BOSS." He laughs, picks up the sword, "If so, meet him in hell." When he tries to swing the sword to kill him, strange sound clicks him to stop. He hears footsteps following down to bedroom. He was afraid as his daughter was sleeping cosily…

As I was chained to death, I asked, "Where's your BOSS? Whose head is?" He laughed, "I butchered so many heads in my life and thus today I'm happy with credits." I smiled, "Don't you have family?" He smiled, "Someone took something which is very important to my life and today I can avenge their deaths." I replied, "Look, Mr. Frieghtbury, I too passed your life but listen the only difference is that your livelihood was past and I'm the present and our children would be future. The only thing, even someone took away the one I love so much and I feel sorry for them, today, I'm avenging her death in terms of helping people but not by slaughtering people with heads like a minotaur…"

As he locks the latches of the door, he turns to her, undress his shirt and Sofia was crying out for help. She was sensing danger to her life. Next, he unzips his pant and drops down it to ground. He picks the belt, which was obviously the leather type.

He beats her in harsh manner where the flesh of Sofia is ripping off to edges. It's unbelievable to see her, suffer like a prisoner in central prison. Finally, he was unsatisfied by beating her to death. She was gasping for breath, obviously at the edge of the death. She was totally bruised with lots of pain where no one can bear it. Now, he walks forward and bends down, grabs her waist and probably the only thing she feels bad is that she is going to be raped by him…

After a long conversation, probably arguments with Sir. Freightbury, I was still chained to death. I tackled myself to escape but it was impossible as the chain is stronger than the one I've seen in my life. Now, he brings a chainsaw to rip off my arm. I was totally amazed, probably lying or few seconds to be dead by the owner of déjà vu café…

Obviously, when a stranger steps inside your house, you smell the danger to your family. Thus, Clinton runs to the first floor and watches her daughter sleeping like a princess in the cot. He was relieved that it may be the hallucination but probably it wasn't. When he walked down the stairs, to kill Mr. Evan, it was too late as he escaped himself or maybe the strange sound which caused disturbance. "Where are you, Evan? Your death is in my hands" shouted Clinton. There was silence in his house, absolute silence with emotional music and there he was, it was not a shadow but a bad omen who brings destruction to whole family…

Sofia was bruised, crying out for help as she is going to be raped. He grabs her waist, pulls her closer and finally he drops down his boxers. Sofia, being an FBI agent, tries to defend herself but due to the pain and bruises, she feels tiredness. She lets herself to be raped but obviously as he came to rape her, she was having a rusted iron nail and thank god, her aim of target was obvious. A direct hit to his right eye, and he falls down, naked, crying out with pain. Sofia laughs, "Y-ou cannot rape me or fill your shit to me." He groans and he was furious but her direct hit was probably the best thing to so far…

As I was probably in the edge of death and he was going to rip my arm apart like cutting down the tree. I should really thank god as someone knocks his door. He smiles, "Don't worry, I'll be in sec." He walks forward to open the door, with a perpetual smile as he was criminal. The knocking of the door continues and he was tensed. He picks the kitchen knife, holding it behind his back to stab him/her if they feel suspicious to him. Finally, he opens the door and it was Darcy. He smiles, "Hello, Darcy! What brings you here?"

Clinton was afraid as the shadow was an evil one and he was trembled to fear. He was afraid that he may kill her daughter and so he surrenders himself, "Y-ou may be the B-OSS but I s-urr-ender myself. Please leave her, and you…you may take me."

"Well, Mr. Clinton , as your wife failed to complete my mission. I, hereby, came here to execute your family so that it may alert her that I'm close by" laughed BOSS, He calls Mr. Evans, "Evan, tie him and bring him to me as he will face the execution" Evan picks up the rope, probably trying to kill or torture him as he was tortured. Will he be dead?

I was fighting for my rights of survival and Darcy was disturbing his peace. She knew that there is something wrong in his room, "Can I have a look?" He smiles, "Probably, not today… After visiting my mother, I'm tired and maybe the virus inside the room may kill you." She was surprised and obviously as a doctor, she knew the consequences of virus and there is mere difference between virus and fever. She shouts, "My happiest moment is spending my day with Sabrina." I heard the voice, shouted, "CODE RED.MAYDAY" She was surprised, pulls out the pistol, "Freeze, Mr. Freightbury. You're under arrest."

He laughs, "Not today, Miss Darcy." He swings his knife to stab her but she ducks down and with a firm mind, shoots him right towards his chest. He falls down, crying out in pain and she moves forward and shoots him again. Finally, Mr. Frieghtbury who is a criminal and probably unfit to be awarded as knighthood is dead. She shouts, "Where are you?" I shouted, "I'm next to kitchen cellar. There is a secret door." She finds the secret door but…

It was obvious that the secret door was trickier. She said, "It needs a code and we don't know it." I replied, "Well, try the basics or shoot it." She tried the basics and all the code was incorrect. Finally, she took the gun and shot it but it was indestructible. I was thinking for the code and I said, "Try his birth of date or his mom." She said, "What's the code." I replied, "Take his phone and hit the Facebook and search for his birthday and his mom. If the direct code is unavailable, try indirectly." She understood the code and obviously I was waiting for the moment…

Mr. Clinton was in the edge of execution, i.e., death. He was tied in a chair and handed over the sword to BOSS. He holds it, "I laugh and I cry but there is no mercy in my duty. So, today you'll fall in my hands." As he swings to cut him apart into two pieces, a call to his phone. He says Evan to pick it up and put it in speaker so that anyone who wants to deal may hear the cry. He attended the call and the answer was from Sofia, " B-OSS, I'm alive and please spare their life. I have him." He laughs, "No tricks, witch." She gasped, "W-ell, he is chained to death in Freightbury room and please leave them."

Clinton hears it, "Honey, I've never expected it from you. BOSS, kill me and let them live." He was totally confused and shouts, "Listen, you've 48 hours to return him, back to me and I'll spare your family. If not, I'll lay down your family."

She agreed the deal and BOSS leaves his house with a stern warning. Clinton was worried, calls his daughter Mia to pack up everything. She agrees and packs up everything to leave the city. Finally, Sofia calls him but he rejects it. Sofia was worried and finally, a voicemail to his phone. It was, 'Clint, I'm sorry for the consequences. There was nothing I can do and our family was lacking finance. So, I sought the ad and he say he'll help me under these conditions. Please, forgive me." Hearing the voicemail didn't changed his mind. He removes the engagement ring and throw to the couch with a note, "Goodbye, Sofia".

Mia asks him, "What's the problem, dad?" He lifts her, smiles, "Well, my child, your mom and I need some break and we're going to Seattle to grandma's house." She didn't understood the meaning of 'break' as she was 5 years old. They evacuated the house and took a flight to Seattle and without a notification to Sofia…

While cracking code like a hacker is easy for intelligence but a difficult task for Dr. Darcy Anderson. Finally, my little assistance helped her to crack the code and it was obviously his mom's birth year, '1950'. Mysteriously, the code cracked out and the door was opened. She was surprised to my condition and untied my knots. I gasped for oxygen, "How do you know…I mean do u follow scent of me?" She laughed, "You do crack old jokes…"