(The Jedi Code.)

Chapter one:

(There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is-)

Bastila Shan's mind was sharply and excruciatingly wrenched from her metaphorical meditation by a strong electric current jolting through her body. At first, she resisted, but it grew in intensity until she couldn't bear it any longer, and cried out in anguish. She struggled against her restraints, desperately searching for a way out, an escape, something, anything to relieve her torment. After what seemed like hours, the current subsided.

Ah, young Bastila Shan. It hasn't been too long, has it? Are you finding your accommodations to your liking? a sinister, metallic voice called out to her mockingly. Bastila blinked away the stars at the edge of her vision and focused her gaze. Before her stood a man whom she knew very well. A human male, standing two meters tall, sporting blue-black tattooed stripes across his bald head, appeared before her. This man spoke through a modulator in a prosthetic jaw, adding to his sinister and admittedly already grotesque appearance. His gray eyes seemed to pierce Bastila's soul as he glared down at her.