Winston jolts up out his sleep with heavy breathing. His eyes are wide with shock. He had just had an ominous bad dream where Vincent was covered in cuts and bruises. He seemed to have been in an accident or brutally attacked and battered by an animal or something. The sight frightened Winston and makes him uneasy. The last thing he wants is to see something like that happen to his friend.
Winston calms down and steadies his breath, yet his feeling of unease remains as if something is wrong. He decides he will see Vincent tomorrow and tell him about the dream. Perhaps then Vincent will put his mind to rest or tell him something he needs to know. Agreeing with himself Winston lays back down in hopes of more pleasant dreams.
The next day before he does anything else Winston goes out to the stables to see Vincent. Though when he gets there he finds Benjamin carrying feed into the barn before Vincent.
"Benjamin!", he calls. Benjamin stops and turns to see Winston approaching.
"Prince Winston, good morning. It's a little early for you to be here don't you think?", Benjamin says to him.
"I just came to talk to Vincent. I have something important to discuss with him.", Winston replies.
"Oh... Well he is not up yet sire. He is still asleep I'm afraid.", Benjamin tells Winston.
"Alright, in that case I will be by here later then. I have already pushed one lesson back to come here.", Winston responds.
"You really shouldn't do such things just to talk to someone, sire. Business must be put before pleasure.", Benjamin says to Winston.
"Who are you to tell me how I should spend my time, Benjamin? I said I have something important to discuss with my friend. Anything important to me I consider my business and when I choose to conduct my business I shall do it then. Remember who it is you are talking to.", Winston replies with a stern look; not appreciating the way Benjamin spoke to him. Benjamin takes a half step back with an uneasy look before straightening back up.
"Yes, sire forgive me for speaking too freely.", Benjamin says bowing. Vincent turns away to prepare to leave.
"Let Vincent know I came by and tell him I will be back later.", Winston speaks as he goes off.
It is only when Winston is preparing to go down into the tunnel does he realize what he said and the manner in which he said it. He realizes that something inside him isn't quite agreeing with Benjamin's responses. Winston decides to blame it on his worries about Vincent for his edginess. What Winston doesn't know is that Vincent was far from sleeping and he was actually upstairs cleaning the smith shop.
After meeting the royal artist Winston goes off to meet with his mother. Before he had laid down to sleep last night Winston took it upon himself to write his own reply specifically to Lady Lillian. Now that he is going to take the job of finding a queen seriously he needs to let his mother know so that she may help him.
There is no doubt in Winston's mind that his mother will be overjoyed at his words and keeping her actions in check will be most difficult too. Nonetheless, desperate times call for desperate measures and it is his duty to secure the throne.
He finds his mother in the garden having tea despite the cloudy sky that later promises rain. When he approaches he sends the servants present away. His mother takes her tea filled cup from her lips.
"My, my how kingly you are behaving recently.", she says looking up to him. "You're growing up so fast."
"It is the curse I must bear with the blessing of the condition of my birth. Luckily I have found someone who has given to me a piece of normalcy and freedom. In addition to his friendship.", Winston tells his mother sitting across from her. "And lucky for you I have come with news that may let you enjoy the final thing you can do for me as your little boy.", he goes on. Winston encounters his mother with a professional demeanor. He clearly doesn't intend to be bashful towards her. She puts down her cup and place her hands on her lap.
"Oh, do tell.", she encourages him. Winston leans forward with his hands on the table.
"You and I both know that our kingdom is in danger and that our position could be in danger as well. Father knows it too. We all know it won't be long before his illness overcomes him."
"You shouldn't say such things Winston.", his mother interrupts him with her plea.
"I'm only saying it is the Lackburd family that gave us security against the order of the lords and their power, though that was given to them. They can turn on the very source that gave it to them for their own need for power.", Winston looks at his mother for a moment. "I am the crowned prince.", Winston stresses intensely.
"This is my kingdom and I will keep it. I will also protect the people- my people. It is for that reason I must do my part and secure the throne.", Winston leans back in his chair. "Last night I took the liberty of sending a response to the message received. Directly to Lady Lillian I might add. I informed her that I would like to pursue her as my potential wife. Her and another."
Winston takes in a breath and release it in a sigh. "What I am saying is that you can resume your duties in the matter as well, however, it must be done with only these two girls I have chosen. Not only that but everything you plan must go past me and be approved by me.", Winston explains to his mother in a no discussion tone. Winston's mother takes in a breath and faces her son with a steady gaze.
"Who is your other choice then?", she asks simply.
"Rosalinda Harkboth. Lord Argon's daughter.", he answers.
"When will you make your decision?"
"Soon. I want to make sure I make the right decision for myself as well.", Winston answers.
"Very well my son. I shall do as you say.", Winston's mother says humbly. Winston gives a nod and gets up to continue his day; leaving his mother alone again.
Some time later Winston decides to try again to see Vincent. Ever since his first attempt to see him that morning Winston couldn't get the thought of Vincent out of his mind, nor could he banish the memory of his dream. He must see Vincent again and this time no one would stand in his way no matter the situation. Winston arrives to see Vincent outside carrying water into the barn.
"Vincent!", Winston cries out to him. Vincent looks up in the direction in which Winston approaches.
"Prince Winston. How are you?", Vincent greets him putting down the water he carries. The two embrace and Winston notices the cut on Vincent's cheek and the wince of pain from Vincent as they did. Winston takes a step back.
"Are you alright? What happened?", Winston asks touching Vincent's cheek.
"Nothing. I just couldn't see where I was going on my way back last night. I fell and got hurt a little.", Vincent explains taking Winston's hand away from his face.
Winston looks uncertain for a moment. Surely Vincent knows his way to and fro in the passages by now without the use of light. Winston looks at the cut again. To him it looks more like the cut from a blade. He actually feels shocked and upset that Vincent isn't telling him the truth, but he dares not pressure him more. If it is for Vincent to tell him he would. Just on his own time.
"I came by to see you earlier. Benjamin told me you were still asleep.", Winston says dropping the subject of Vincent's injuries for now.
"Oh. Y-yes...I was. Rough night you know.", Vincent replies. "Why'd you come by so many times?", Vincent asks.
"I had to see you. I had a dream last night that disturbed me dreadfully. So much so I had to come and see that you were alright for myself.", Winston replies.
"Vincent, don't forget to get the horses that water!", Benjamin's shout interrupts Vincent's question. Vincent bends down to pick the pails of water up and with an expression of pain on his face. Grabbing his side Vincent nearly collapse.
"Vincent!", Winston calls as he goes in to help his friend.
"No! No. No, I can do it.", Vincent protest holding out his hand to stop Winston.
"Enough of this, Vincent! You are clearly not well!", Winston says to him. Winston looks at Vincent with wide eyes. "Benjamin! Come retrieve this water!", Winston commands into the barn and turns back to Vincent.
"I told you I can do it!", Vincent protest with gritted teeth of pain.
"Why do you protest?!", Winston asks. Vincent shakes his head slowly.
"Just know I'm fine, sire. The only way I could be truly hurt is if someone harms you and of course I would never let that happen.", Vincent says somberly picking up the pails of water.
"If you are always protecting me who is protecting you?", Winston asks calmly. Vincent stares at Winston for what feels like an eternity, but what was really a few moments.
"God. God has me. He gives me strength and has done so for forever now.", Vincent says humbly. "Thank you for worrying about me, but don't. I'm fine.", he goes on before walking away to complete the task.
"I can protect you too. If you just let me.", Winston speaks just above a whisper. He turns to see that Vincent had stopped in his track, but he doesn't say anything before continuing on his way. Winston is left to look after him hurt and confused by his friend's words and lack of trust in him.