Pokémon Wack 14

Going through Zaydolf's portal takes you to an alternate world where Team Wack won.

Very few people outside of Team Wack remain, and those that do are only kept alive so Manglo can experiment on them.

There are some Team Wack grunts who battle you because they are surprised at how you got here without being part of Team Wack.

To get to Zaydolf, you have to battle the 3 Team Wack generals.

Zyklon also gives you some backstory:

Team Wack took over the world 5 years ago, and Zaydolf can spot any enemy in the world with the power of Gigasvyre.

But anyway, going through the elevator gets you to Zaydolf, who is proud of what he's done.

He exterminated most of the world, and now Team Wack will reign supreme.

He asks you to join him, but you decline, which gets Zaydolf mad.

He tells you nobody can stand in his way, not even you.

You battle Zaydolf, and similar to the Purification Camp battle, he has a Gigasvyre instead of Canvast.

After beating him, Zaydolf doesn't give up, and you then have to fight a Pokemon called Mecha Zaydolf.

After beating him, Zaydolf is disappointed that his dream won't be realized, but you tell him that this isn't his dream.

Zaydolf, being free from HIS grasp, realizes that he never dreamed of doing something this awful, he just wanted to have his talent realized.

But Zaydolf isn't all back yet, so you still need to save him.

Now that Anne and Zaydolf are both on the right path again, there is a red portal in the spaceship.

Going through it brings you to a place where you have to fight both Anne and Zaydolf at once in a double battle.

After that, they are both alive again.

Now that your friends are back, talking to Zaydolf makes him ask if you're ready.

If you are, he and Anne start celebrating, and now that the sun is free, Zaydolf uses its gravity to slingshot out of the Solar System.

But there's still one obstacle left.

All the planet gods, including Sol and Luna but not the Earth, have to fight you so you can prove yourself.

You fight them in order, from Sol to Pluto.

The fights are all double battles where you alternate between Zaydolf and Anne as your partner.

All of the gods use themselves as Pokemon, but they are just powered up versions of Rogodo's evolution.

Sol, for example, uses the same team he used at the start of the sun, but with Sol instead of Apollolar.

Similar with Mercury, Venus, Luna, and Mars.

Jupiter uses electric-types, Saturn uses time-types, Uranus uses wind-types, Neptune uses water-types, and Pluto uses Ice and Ghost types.

After beating all of them, the ship detects immense power outside the solar system.

Then, you are transported to a void where Dialga and Palkia lie.

You can catch them or battle them, but after dealing with them, Arceus appears.

It tells you that it's been watching you since you were born, and it knows you're the one.

You also have a chance to catch it, and there's a Master Ball in the bottom right corner of this area since its catch rate is low.

After dealing with Arceus, it encourages you to defeat HIM, and then turns into a portal.

Using the power of Arceus, you can tear a hole through reality, allowing you to enter the space beyond Outer Space: Outer Outer Space!

Outer Outer Space is an area with a Background Music Override and a bunch of Nicers who battle you.

At the top of Outer Outer Space, there is a portal, finally letting you enter HIS world.

Going to HIS world, you see it's a big hub area with a healing station and a PC in the center.

There are a bunch of hallways, but they are all closed, except one which takes you to the Normal World.

The Normal World is a big maze full of Youngsters who all use Normal-types, and at the end, you encounter HIM in his youngster form.

HE tells you that the trainers you fought were mere copies of the originals, but they are some of the best trainers around the world.

You then have to battle HIM, who uses 4 Pokemon: Rattata, Youngsternote , Arceus, and HIM (Normal).

After beating HIM, he sarcastically tells you how scared he is that you beat him.

Then, HE tells you that that wasn't enough, and that his true power will manifest now.

You then return back to HIS world, where the doors to the Fire, Water, and Grass worlds are now open.

There are 23 worlds left that you have to complete, each one representing a different elemental type.

The doors on the left side take you to official type worlds, and the doors on the right side take you to Wack type worlds.

Each world has trainers who use Pokemon of that type, and you also have to fight HIM at the end of each world.

Before the battle, HE says something negative about humanity that relates to the world's type.

For example, the wood HIM talks about deforestation.

Each HIM fight uses 6 Pokemon, one of them being the HIM form representing that specific type.

HE has a lot of forms, and some of them are:

Normal HIM is a Youngster with warped arms.

Grass HIM represents the Garden of Eden.

Wood HIM represents Yggdrasil.

Magma HIM is a giant volcano.

Rock HIM is Moloch.

Paper HIM is an evil book.

Fighting HIM is a representation of war.

Cyber HIM is a snake with 7 heads, probably representing Facebook.

Virus HIM is a giant plague rat.

Tech HIM is a big snake whose whole theme is coiling around the world/humanity.

Ghost HIM is the grim reaper.

Zombie HIM is Anubis.

Plastic HIM is the great Pacific garbage patch.

Cosmic HIM is a big burning asteroid.

Dragon HIM is a great dragon with 6 heads.