Is It Over Yet?


The state of being in between; of standing on the threshold with one step on either side, never knowing which side you're on. Neither here, nor there. You're just… in between. Torn. 

There have only been two moments in my life when I've felt like that; when I have been in between life and death. The first was when my mother died and I spent days feeling as though I was dead myself. Breathing just fine, but dead nonetheless.

And the second was when I heard that shot being fired. That was when I was sure that I was dead. Even though it wasn't me who had been shot, I knew I was dead the moment I heard it. 

My breath was caught in my throat and my irises expanded to their fullest capacity as I stared at the face of the man I loved thinking that this was the end for the both of us. The end of his life and my hope.