Foul Air

[An: Bonus chapter 2/3]

Kana smiled and gently tapped Aoi's back with her finger. She was also surprised by her sudden actions. "Aoi, the top level is very hot. Will you be okay, or should I send you back?"

Aoi's smile disappeared as she pouted her lip. "It would be better to be with Kana, but if it is too hot, I will not do well..."

"Then how about until it gets too unbearable, you can stay with me?" Kana asked. She did not want to make Aoi suffer, which was why she had decided it would be best to send her back, but seeing that little depressed face made Kana feel bad.

"Then let's do that..." Aoi flew over and sat on Kana's shoulder. She then scooted over and cuddled up to her neck, hugging it.