Wastelands Part Two

[An: Bonus Chapter 3/5]

The day before...

"Sei, why did you stop me? Things were just getting juicy!" Yuthia pouted her bottom lip as she looked at Sei.

"You wanted to kill her water elemental just so you could watch them have sex!" Sei yelled out. 

"I..." Yuthia had no retort. She was indeed going to kill the annoying little bug who interrupted the sexy scene between the two beautiful people. "But we would have had some good material..."

Sei held her head and suddenly began wondering why she fell for such a pervert. But no matter the case, she still loved this perverted goddess with all her heart. "Why do you need to watch when we can just do?"

"I… Then... Can we do now?" Yuthia looked up at Sei with big pleading eyes. Sei nodded her head, causing Yuthia to smile brightly. The lights of the room dimmed as the two went to do the do…

"Yuthia… why are you taking out a board game?"