Trial Of Survival Part One

After packing all her bags, Kana sat on her bed, laid back, and stared at the ceiling. "I wonder how long I will be gone for…." 

"Kana, are you really going?" Kiliffia asked. Kiliffia felt that the room they were sharing was going to get lonely until Kana gets back.

"Mmm... I need to. I can not pass up this opportunity. I will try to be quick, but I am not sure how long it will take. Kiliffia, can you do me a favor, and when Creige shows up looking for me, just tell him I went to become stronger and will be back as soon as I can." Kana wished she could say goodbye to him before leaving. With this thought in mind, Kana sat back up and stood up. She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "I guess I will head out."

"I will be sure to pass your message along. Be careful. I will be waiting for you to come back." Kiliffia forced a smile, trying to hide the loneliness that was creeping in.