Trial Of Survival Part Seven

[AN: Bonus Chapter 6/7]

Standing next to the door, Kana waited for Mary to open it. Mary grabbed the handle and looked at Kana, who nodded back. With a quick turn of the doorknob and swing of the door, Kana reached out and grabbed Shentia by the neck, and tossed her into the room. Mary then quickly closed the door.

"Ahh! Mary!" Shentia's eyes were full of hate as she looked at Mary.

"You can yell all you want, Shentia, but I have already made this room soundproof." Mary sneered.

"Humph!  I knew one day you would end up betraying your own kind." Shentia looked at Mary, who was standing next to Kana, and raised her gun. "It seems the Commander was right to make sure I keep an eye on you. Mary, for the act of turning traitor against the Jokasins Empire, I will now sentence you to death."