Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part Two

[Mass Release 3/5]

Kana and Mary were making their way down the twisting paths of the dungeon. Some areas were old ancient hallways, while others seemed to be created by the monsters that lived there. So far, they had only run into goblins. Low level goblins with sticks. Nothing too challenging since Kana and Mary could easily dispatch them without much trouble. So far, they had walked around for an entire day, from what they could tell. With no outside light to tell whether it was day or night, telling the actual time was not easy. "We should set camp here and sleep in shifts." Kana suggested. 

The area they were in was a small room. That they had decided to check out, it had an old wooden chest inside full of useless junk. But other than that, the room seemed to be a perfect camping spot since it had a door to it. "Finally!" Mary plopped her butt on the ground and spread her legs out in front of her. She was very tired.