Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part Eight

The young girl stared at Kana shaking in fear. She looked at Kana then at Mary. No matter where she looked, she saw beings that looked like a cross between monsters and humans. She was unsure if she could trust such beings. Seeing the girl shaking away and giving them wary looks, Kana let out a sigh. She knew she was not going to get any answers with the way this girl was acting right now. "Alright, let's set up camp…." 

The young girl watched as Kana and Mary busied themselves making camp. She did not dare leave in case the two beast girls decided to kill her. What frightened her even more, was the little blue floating humanoid that kept flying over and waving at her. Although they seem to be friendly, the young girl was becoming even more nervous when she saw the large fire pit that Kana was making. The main thought on the young girl's mind at this time was, 'They are not going to eat me, are they?'