Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part 12

"Creige you!" The wolf girl was speechless. She had finally thought that the man she had been trying to get for so long was now willing to acknowledge her only to use her to hold something up then tell her to get out! 

"You're still here? Baldswin, show her the door." Creige didn't even look at the girl as he went back to work hammering away.

Baldswin chuckled as he walked over to the wolf girl: "Miss Filina, please leave. Otherwise, more than likely… No, a hundred percent likely that you will be tossed out and embedded into the wall again." 

"I… Creige, you bastard!" The wolf girl's eyes filled with tears as she ran out of the shop. Baldswin threw his hands up in the air and shook his head. "Creige, you need to be a bit nicer to the opposite sex."

"Hmm? She's not my wife. Why would I be nice to her?" Creige asked as he looked over at baldswin confused.