Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part 19

[Bonus Kana 5/7]

"Foods up! Sorry for the wait." Cia placed a platter of food on the table with a smile. It was only half of what Kana had the night before, but it was still a good amount of food.  She then looked over at the two girls and let out a sigh. "Lin, Lea, you two come help me in the kitchen for a bit. We will figure something out about finding you, new husbands. Don't worry. I will find you good men who will take care of you." 

As Cia began to walk off, she stopped and turned back towards Kana: "Dear, eat well. When you are done, you can just leave the dish right there."

"Okay, I will. Thank you for the food." Kana smiled and began digging in. Off to the side, the guards who had walked in were now dragging out Deeder's body. As they did, another group came in with cleaning supplies to clean up the blood on the floor. It seemed that there was a job for everything in this kingdom.