Trial Of Survival/Dronic Dungeon Part 34

"Kiliffia! You're going to be late." A panda girl said as she walked over and pulled Kiliffia by her hand. But Kiliffia did not budge, nor did she acknowledge the girl. "Kiliffia?"

"Hmm? Sorry, I thought I saw something." Kiliffia finally snapped out of it and let the girl pull her along. She turned her head back and looked in the direction of a dark corner in the hallway once more. "Maybe I am imagining things..." Kiliffia mumbled before turning back around.

In the spot she was staring, a figure was merged with the shadows stared at Kiliffia. "That girl's senses are really keen. If she was at a higher level, I am sure she would have noticed me. At any rate, I need to find information on the target." The figure seemed to have melted into the shadows flowing through it like water as it made its way down the hall.