Six Old Ladies

Six old ladies with similar features to Kana stood high in the sky as they looked at the young girl appearing out of nowhere. "Which of us gets to test her?" 

"I will do it!"

"No, I will!"

"No me!" 

"You're not strong enough!"

"I'm stronger than you!"

The six old ladies glared at each other before getting into a circle facing each other, balling up their fists. "Rock! Paper! Scissors!"

"Haha, I win!" 

"Damn it! I should have thrown paper!"

"Why did I pick rock!?"

"You cheated!" 

"Yes, I call cheat!"

"Humph! You five are just not as good as me. Why else can none of you win against me? But to be fair, if I tested her now, she might just die. So let's do this. I will pick you." 

"Me!? Yay! Hehe… It's been so long since I moved these old bones."