Crossing The Border Part 1

"Kiliffia?" Tia saw tears rolling down Kiliffia's cheek and quickly ran over to her, giving her a hug.

"It's fine. It's just my stupid father leaving behind useless information..." Kiliffia was not sad by the fact that she found out that her father was not blood related to her but by the fact that her father left to put himself in danger. To her, she would never change the life that she had. Her life was good, and her father raised her with lots of love. They relied on each other through thick and thin. She was able to become the person she was today because of the life she lived. If her life changed even in the slightest, she might never have met her goddess or have found a goal in life as she has now. 

Kiliffia forced a smile and as she wiped her tears. "Let's go. We need to go meet up with Dev."

"Are you sure you are okay?" Tia asked once more just to be sure.