Entering Triefil

[AN: Bonus Chapter 2/7]

Hearing the guard's question, Kiliffia became nervous. Her mind spun, trying to come up with an answer when Kiliffia remembered a certain plant her father told her about that could ward off bugs. "We-We used a special plant that wards off bugs. The grafoil plant." 

The guard married his eyes once again and was about to say something when a voice came from behind him. "Wesly, why are you scaring two young girls. Let them through." 

The guard, Wesly, turned to see an older man with black hair and a mustache walk over. "Captain Mel. But I find their presence strange..."

"No buts. What can two little girls do? All you are doing is scaring them. This is why you are still single." Captain Mel replied jokingly. He then stepped forward and flashed a smile: "Go on ahead, welcome to Triefil. We do not have much, but we have enough to keep you entertained."