
*Pah!* *Pah!*  *Pah!*  *Pah!*  *Pah!* 

In the realm of gods, a major incident was taking place. A young woman was currently raising hell in the council hall where all the heads of the different factions resided in order to keep the peace between the races. "Why is it when people need help, you old bastards only know how to tuck your tail between your legs, runway, and hide? Do you know my little sister right now is fighting with everything she has in order to protect the mortal realm!? Are you going to wait for those devils to come and bust open a passage to the realm of gods before you actually get off your asses to do something!? Do you think you can ascend to the next plane by doing this!? Or are you old people so damn scared of dying that you do not even dare to send people? I heard you lost a few gods and goddesses who were not willing to follow your orders. How does it feel to be shown up by the younger generation!?"