Send Him Some Pretty Boys

Fan Ji looked at the beautiful dragon girl on the screen, his eyes never moving from her once. "Is this all the footage?"

"There is more, but it is all of her sleeping and bathing." Senior Miyu answered. She had made sure to take out the unnecessary things as well as trying to give the poor girl some privacy. As for Kana's bathroom breaks, those were all shredded and deleted by Instructor Shelly at Senior Miyu's command.

"Let me see it!" Fan Ji ordered shamelessly. 

Senior Miyu's face went black. He wants to watch this girl bath and sleep!? "You brat, are you trying to see this girl naked!?" Never mind bathing. This girl likes to sleep naked too!

"Humph! I just need to make sure I understand her completely, is all! Go get the videos!" Fan Ji had a straight face on, but his ears gave away his embarrassment.