Kana’s Fun And Games Part 2

"A nuke? Interesting, I wonder if a nuke can kill me..." Kana rubbed her chin, but two of the girls behind her faces turned pale. 

"Kana, you might survive, but we won't!" Amy yelled.

"I'm okay with dying if it allows Oneesama to test her strength!" As always, Shela was worshipping Kana as if she was a goddess.

"Please do not drag us into it!" Amy was not sure if she should see Shela as her sister anymore! The damn girl was beyond crazy!

"Alright enough. We are moving out. I want you to flank that squadron from who knows where and wipe them out. We need to establish our presence now.  We will do it as we planned. You girls flank. I will be the decoy. If you can't flank, retreat. Don't die trying to come after me. Otherwise, I will be stuck ruling some nation I don't want to rule." Kana left these words and jumped down from the building, leaving behind three girls who stood there staring at her leaving back.