Three Princesses

In the throne room, there were six people. One sitting on the throne and two sitting at the side. Standing timidly below was three girls ranging from fifteen years of age to nineteen years of age.

"Your Majesty, us sisters have come as envoys of our desolate clan." The older looking Princess said. Her ears and fluffy tail twitching. 

Kana's eyes locked on to a certain fluffy tail that was swaying back and forth. Without any control, she disappeared from her seat.

"Ahh!" The youngest of the three sisters yelled out in surprise. She turned her head to see the young woman who was just sitting on the chair now rubbing her face all over her tail! "What!? What are you doing!?  Let go!"

"So fluffy! Just let me fluff fluff it for a while." Kana mumbled a response, not caring for the tears welling up in the girl's eyes.