Preparing To Head To The Realm Of Gods Part 2

The Rural Kingdom…

"Your Majesty, I beg you to please reconsider! What have I done wrong!?" A human man stood in front of Tilia with his hand behind his back, acting arrogantly.

"What have you done wrong? When we raided your house, not only did you still have beastkin slaves, but most of them were abused and traumatized to the point that they did not even have a will of their own! Do you really think I, someone who is a beastkin themselves, will tolerate such actions when the new law says that every species is to be free!?" Tilia rose out of her seat. Her tail fluffed up as she took one step at a time towards the human man. Her cold eyes were bearing into the man's soul, causing him to secretly sweat as he tried to keep a calm attitude. 

"So I am not free to treat my workers as I so fit? If they misbehave, I can not punish them!?" The human man argued back.