Star Hopper

A month passed, and the workers building Kana's new house worked quickly. Even quicker than that was Eie. After working both Kana and Creige to the bone forging parts, she had finally created, with Kana's help, a machine that could create a dimensional gate to some unknown place.  They had also created a few fail safes, such as a shield to stop any incoming traffic. As for tools to investigate what was on the other side and make sure the world on the other side of the gate was safe, they had created a few drones that had instruments that would take a reading before they decided to venture over there. 

Of course, no one could actually go alone without Kana. Otherwise, no one would be able to get back. Luckily even if the world had no magic on it, they could still explore it since Kana could use her divinity to create a path back home.