Inhuman Experiments Part 3

Creige stood looking at the bugs crawling over the pool of blood and thought for a moment. "These things are known to pass right through barriers and armor but…. They will not be able to avoid a time and space distortion. At least I hope..." 

Creige was only going on theory. If it worked, it would be a simple task. If not, then he would become a meal. He just hoped it wouldn't consist of him being the main course. Taking a deep breath and preparing himself for the worst, Creige waved his hand, causing a large tear in time and space to form the size of the entire floor. Along with that, he formed a vortex to begin sucking up the blood and bodies on the floor. Because of their instincts to follow anything with blood, the vortex was easily catching them and sucking the bugs up with the rest of the blood as they gave chase. After a minute, the whole room was clear of the bugs, and not even a spec of blood could be found.