Using One’s Lifeforce To Open A Gate

"There!" Gale shouted as she dusted off her hands. On the ground below her bound and gagged was an old man moving around like a fish out of water. 

Rain only looked on with a warm smile on her face. Everyone's love was different and showed it in different ways. "So Gale… How do I learn from an old man tied up and gagged?" 

"Ah!" Gale seemed to have forgotten why she came. She had been so proud of her work that she had forgotten her original goal! "Ahem..." Waving her hand, the old man was untied and ungagged. "Old man, you need to teach her how to use space and time magic."

"Oh?" The old man got up and dusted himself off as if what had just happened didn't even phase him and took out a pair of glasses and put them on. He stroked his beard and gave Rain a good once over. "Hmmmm… Hmmmm…. HMMMMmmmmm… Ouch! Why did you hit me!?"