Are Trials Always So Easy?

Ganjo looked at Kana, his face still red, but his thoughts were a mess. He was someone who had spent all his time reading, so the thought of romance never crossed his mind. But he has had many interactions with Bell. Bell was cheerful, kind, and very attentive. She would always bring him tea, snacks, and other things even though he did not need such things. But even still, he would always stop what he was doing to have tea with her. He could never say no to that sweet smile she always had when she came in to bother him. 

As he began collecting his thoughts, he looked up at Kana, who was staring back at him. "I will take my time..."

"Mm… Good! Now go!" Kana missed the whole take my time part and sent Ganjo on his way. 

Lysairth looked at Ganjo running out of the room and shook her head. "Are you sure about this?"