
The group stared stupidly at the young woman who walked out of the tree line. They were nervous at the start when they saw the look in her eye but quickly realized she was not staring at them but the meat in their hands. The way she looked was quite comical as she stood there wide eyed with her finger at the corner of her lips and a bit of drool rolling down her chin. It was clear as day that she was hungry. The oldest in the group, the young man roasting the meat, held out the big thigh leg he just roasted out towards the strange young woman.

Five minutes later…

"What are you doing? That's mine!" Kana yelled.

"How is that yours!? I just roasted this for myself!" The older young man of the group yelled out. At this time, Kana and the young man were fighting over the big thigh leg that was just roasted. The other four people in the group stared at the two in shock. 

"She's a spirit beast, right?" The youngest in the group, a young girl, asked.