First Fight Within The Dreaded Grounds Part 2

Kana also did not hesitate in her actions as she shot forward as well. The two rock lions roared out in anger at the two humanoids showing aggression towards them. With red eyes full of murderous intentions, they each lept at their respective attackers. Liu Na had the rock lion she was facing sweep out with one of its huge front paws, its claws extended out, aiming for her head. She quickly reacted and bent her body backward, letting the huge paw fly over her head while at the same time striking the underside of its leg with her sword. The underside had no armor plating like the rest of the rock lion's body, making it a perfect place to attack.

On Kana's side, the rock lion used its long tail with a large round rock ball at the end to attack Kana. It was using its tail like a whip and an extraordinary speed, causing Kana quite the headache as she could not get close. With each pass of its tail, Kana was forced to quickly dodge or use her sword to parry the attack.