The Phoenix Star Inheritance Part 2

"Haha! So the phoenix blood from the medal fused with her body. Good! This makes things interesting! Let's turn things up a notch!" Li Dong waved his hand, and the trial Kana was in began to tremble. 

Kana had just finished turning tens of thousands of skeletons into nothing but ash when she felt the ground tremble underfoot. She had a bad feeling. This feeling was almost a natural instinct, and that was that something was coming, and whatever it was could easily kill her. Not even taking time to question her own feelings, she quickly turned and began to run. She ran past Ako grabbing her hand and pulling her along as she said: "Ako, quickly run!" 

Watching from the mirror Li Dong was very surprised by Kana's decisive decision to run. "Oh? Not bad. She knew something stronger was coming."