(Side Story Continuation) The Other Verse - Pigs Blood

--AN: Sorry all, I was having some writer's block, and as it is late, I decided to post a side chapter instead of not posting anything. Please enjoy.--

"Crie-Creige thank you! I, Kana, will always remember this!" Kana knew it was not good to stay any longer. She was truly grateful towards the young man. He helped her without caring for his own safety. After saying her thanks, Kana dragged her mother away along with Ceilie and Lysairth's maid. 

Lysairth was still shaking even after they had gotten into the car. She refused to let Kana go as if she was afraid Kana would disappear at any second. While she was happy that Kana was willing to be so brave and self sacrificing, she was frightened as well. If the young man did not show up, her new daughter might have been dragged off or killed right in front of her. She couldn't bear to lose her daughter a second time.

"Mama?" Kana looked up at Lysairth with eyes full of concern.